Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


Appendix A.1 Estimating memory requirements

Memory requirements change according to the settings and usage of PFM - Agent for Platform.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Formula for estimating memory
(2) Example of estimating memory requirements

(1) Formula for estimating memory

The table below provides guidelines for estimating the memory requirements of PFM - Agent for Platform.

Table A-1 Memory requirements

State of PFM - Agent for Platform Memory requirements (units: MB)
Operation in the initial state 45
Other operating states (14,000 + (6,000 + 3 x a + 3,000 + 640 x b + 640 x c))/1,024

a: Number of active processes in all Performance Management programs (two)
b: Number of real-time reports displayed in PFM - Web Console
c: Number of records to be collected regularly whose performance data collection condition is set to Log=Y

Because the volume of performance information that can be collected by the Agent Collector service varies depending on the OS environment, the memory requirements may differ significantly from those listed in the table.

(2) Example of estimating memory requirements

The following shows an example of estimating the memory requirements when the OS is Windows Server 2003.

In this example, the variables in Table A-1 have the following values:

a = 2
b = 5 reports
c = 3 records

The required memory is computed as follows:

(14,000 + (6,000 + 3 x 2 + 3,000 + 640 x 5 + 640 x 3))/1,024 (MB)
= (14,000 + (6,000 + 6 + 3,000 + 3,200 + 1,920))/1,024
= (14,000 + (14,126))/1,024
= 28,126/1,024
= Approximately 27 (MB)



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