Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


2.7.1 Settings procedures

Organization of this subsection
(1) When browsing the manual from the help section of PFM - Web Console
(2) When browsing the manual from the hard disk drive on the local machine

(1) When browsing the manual from the help section of PFM - Web Console

  1. Follow the setup procedures for PFM - Web Console, and register PFM - Agent with PFM - Web Console (perform additional setup for PFM - Agent).
  2. Create the directory into which the manual will be copied, on the host on which PFM - Web Console is installed.
    • For Windows: Web-Console-installation-folder\doc\en\PFM-Agent-help-id
    • For UNIX: /opt/jp1pcwebcon/doc/en/PFM-Agent-help-id
      For details about the PFM - Agent help ID specified for PFM-Agent-help-id, see the list of IDs given in the appendix of this manual.
  3. Copy the following files and directories from the manual CD-ROM to the directory created above.

    For HTML manuals
    For Windows: All .htm files and the FIGURE folder, in cd-rom-drive\MAN\3020\materials-number (such as 03004A0D)
    For UNIX: All .htm files and the FIGURE folder, in /cd-rom-mount-point/MAN/3020/materials-number (such as 03004A0D)

    For PDF manuals
    For Windows: PDF files in cd-rom-drive\MAN\3020\materials-number (such as 03004A0D)
    For UNIX: PDF files in /cd-rom-mount-point/MAN/3020/materials-number (such as 03004A0D)
    When copying, make sure to copy the index.htm file for the HTML manual, or the PDF files for the PDF manual, is placed directly within the created directory. For details about how to copy manual files, see readme.txt on the manual CD-ROM.
  4. Restart PFM - Web Console.

(2) When browsing the manual from the hard disk drive on the local machine

Perform installation using setup.exe on the CD-ROM, or by directly copying the .htm files, PDF files, and GIF files to the desired directory. For the HTML manual, use the following directory configuration:

html (.htm files and PDF files)

[Figure]FIGURE (GIF files)



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