Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


Appendix D.2 Firewall passage directions

When PFM - Manager and PFM - Agent for Platform (Windows) are located across a firewall, specify fixed values for the port numbers of PFM - Manager and all PFM - Agent services. Furthermore, specify each port number in the direction shown in the table below to allow all services to pass through the firewall.

Table D-2 Firewall passage directions (between PFM - Manager and PFM - Agent)

Service name Parameter Passage direction
Agent Store jp1pcstot Agent [Figure] Manager
Agent Collector jp1pcagtt Agent [Figure] Manager

Manager: PFM - Manager host
Agent: PFM - Agent host
[Figure]: Direction for starting communication (connection) from the right term to the left term

When communication (connection) is initiated, the receiving side (the side indicated by the tip of the arrow) uses the port numbers shown in Table D-1 as receiving ports. The connecting side uses the free port numbers assigned by the OS as sending ports. The available range of port numbers depends on the OS.

When a connection is initiated from Manager to Agent as shown above, set the firewall so that the sending ports temporarily used by Manager can pass through to the receiving ports of Agent.

To execute the jpctool db dump (jpcctrl dump) or jpctool service list (jpcctrl list) command on the PFM - Agent host, use one of the following methods:
  • Specify the proxy option of the jpctool db dump (jpcctrl dump) or jpctool service list (jpcctrl list) command such that communication takes place via PFM - Manager. For details about the proxy option of the jpctool db dump (jpcctrl dump) or jpctool service list (jpcctrl list) command, see the chapter explaining commands in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management Reference.
  • Specify port numbers between the PFM - Agent hosts, with the firewall passage directions shown in the table below.

    Table D-3 Firewall passage directions (between PFM - Agent hosts)

    Service name Parameter Passage direction
    Agent Store jp1pcstot Agent [Figure] [Figure] Agent
    Agent Collector jp1pcagtt Agent [Figure] [Figure] Agent

Agent: PFM - Agent host
[Figure] [Figure]: Direction for starting communication (connection) from the left term to the right term and from the right term to the left term



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