Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


List of ODBC key fields

Some ODBC key fields are common to all records while others are unique to some records. This section shows the ODBC key fields that are common to all records. ODBC key fields are required if you use an SQL statement in PFM - Manager to utilize the record data stored in the Store database.

The table below shows a list of ODBC key fields common to all records. For details about the ODBC key fields unique to each record, see the explanation of each record.

Table 5-2 List of ODBC key fields common to all records

ODBC key fields ODBC format Data Explanation
record-id_DATE SQL_INTEGER Internal Record key indicating the date on which the record was created
record-id_DATETIME SQL_INTEGER Internal Combination of the record-id_DATE field and the record-id_TIME field
record-id_DEVICEID SQL_VARCHAR Internal Name of the host on which PFM - Agent is running
record-id_DRAWER_TYPE SQL_VARCHAR Internal Category. The following values are valid:
m: Minute
H: Hour
D: Day
W: Week
M: Month
Y: Year
record-id_PROD_INST SQL_VARCHAR Internal Name of the PFM - Agent instance
record-id_PRODID SQL_VARCHAR Internal PFM - Agent's product ID
record-id_RECORD_TYPE SQL_VARCHAR Internal Record type identifier (4 bytes)
record-id_TIME SQL_INTEGER Internal Time at which the record was created (Greenwich Mean Time)



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