uCosminexus Service Platform, Basic Development Guide
- (A)
- acquire node count function
- acquire node name function
- acquire string length function
- acquire substring function
- activities to which correlation sets can be assigned
- activity
- defining fault handling
- deploying
- to which variable can be assigned
- adding breakpoints
- adding HCSC components to cluster
- adding message transformation and system exception processing
- adding user-defined reception interfaces
- applicability of service components that use Web service
- assign activity
- auto mapping of data acquired by DB adapter
- automatic service emulation
- (B)
- batch execution of process
- deploying HCSC components on HCSC Server
- stopping HCSC components on HCSC Server
- binary data
- creating
- specifying in shared receive queue
- binary format definition file
- creating
- creating new
- defining element (for CSV format)
- defining element (for non-CSV format)
- displaying validation results
- editing
- specifying complex content elements
- specifying format information (for CSV format)
- specifying format information (for non-CSV format)
- specifying globally defined simple content elements
- validating
- validation method
- BitOpObjects(Logical operation function)
- Bit string
- support range
- BPEL file, creating
- business process
- adding
- adding new
- adding new by importing BPEL file
- adding new undefined
- changing running definition
- defining
- defining contents
- deleting
- displaying validation contents
- editing
- that cannot be deleted
- using already defined business process to add
- validating
- validation contents
- work flow for defining
- Bytes string
- (C)
- CalculateObjects(Perform node operation function)
- changing criteria setting of breakpoints
- changing message formats
- changing soap modes
- changing IBM kanji code character set
- character code types in binary format definition file
- character strings that can be specified as standby time
- character code conversion UOC
- character code conversion using character code conversion UOC
- character string
- check node function
- check string function
- checking soap modes
- checking variables and correlation sets
- checking unused RD area
- check usage existence of database and Reliable Messaging
- choose node function
- ChooseObjects(Select function)
- cluster
- to which HCSC components can be deployed (or single HCSC servers)
- comment
- complex content element, specifying
- component
- specifying
- specifying globally defined element as
- specifying locally defined simple content element as
- specifying selection condition
- component common UOC
- concatenate function
- concatenate function
- ConcatenateObjects(concatenate function)
- conditions for linking activities
- configuration format
- ConstantObjects(Set constant function)
- ContainObjects(Check string function)
- conversion table
- creating
- saving
- convert number format function
- converting assign element (BPEL1.1)
- converting correlationSets element (BPEL1.1)
- converting element (bpel2.0)
- assign element
- correlationSets element
- empty element
- faultHandlers element
- flow element
- invoke element
- process element
- receive element
- related to Basic Activity
- related to overall business process definition
- related to Structure Activity
- reply element
- scope element
- throw element
- variables element
- while element
- converting elements related to basic activities (BPEL1.1)
- converting elements related to overall business process definitions (BPEL1.1)
- converting elements related to structure activities (BPEL1.1)
- converting empty element (BPEL1.1)
- converting faultHandlers element (BPEL1.1)
- converting flow element (BPEL1.1)
- converting invoke element (BPEL1.1)
- converting process element (BPEL1.1)
- converting receive element (BPEL1.1)
- converting reply element (BPEL1.1)
- converting scope element (BPEL1.1)
- converting sequence element (BPEL1.1)
- converting switch element (BPEL1.1)
- converting throw element (BPEL1.1)
- converting variables element (BPEL1.1)
- converting wait element (BPEL1.1)
- converting while element (BPEL1.1)
- copying mapping definitions
- CopyObjects(mapping to transformation destination node)
- correlation set
- correlation set definition method
- Cosminexus RM, application scopes of service components using local queue of
- Cosminexus Service Platform
- developing system using
- relationship between overall system and development environment
- types of available services and their application scopes used in
- CountObjects(Acquire node count function)
- creating
- service requester using jax-ws engine (web services)
- creating Java form file
- creating Java programs to be used in custom function
- creating service adapter
- creating service requester that sends request for operating status of service adapter from application (web services and soap communication infrastructure)
- creating transformation function definition file
- creating embedded database
- creating table format XML file
- CSCMsgServerException class
- CSCOwnCodeConverter interface
- CSCOwnCodeReaderContext interface
- CSCOwnCodeReader interface
- custom function
- customizing WSDL using the external binding file
- CustomObjects(custom function)
- (D)
- data transformation
- defining
- defining (mapping)
- definitions necessary for
- files necessary for
- procedure for defining
- data transformation activity
- data transformation definition
- data types in binary format definition file
- database queue
- application scopes of service components using
- Date and time
- debugging business processes
- defining activities
- defining correlation sets
- defining new correlation sets
- definition example that uses correlation sets
- definition details of table format XML schema definition file
- deleting breakpoints
- deleting HCSC components from cluster
- deployment definition
- description format of COBOL library text file that can be transformed
- designing business process overview
- detailing business process
- determining similarities
- determining similarities during automatic mapping
- developing jar file of character code conversion UOC
- development environment
- setup for using
- disabling breakpoints
- displaying function name after edition
- (E)
- Eclipse
- setting up environment in which HCSCTE is embedded in
- editing function name directly
- empty activity
- emulating service requester
- end activity
- ending debugging of business processes
- error information
- acquiring [standard synchronous reception (SessionBean)]
- acquiring [standard synchronous reception (Web services)]
- acquiring [user-defined reception (Web Services)]
- evaluating xpath
- Examples of system development using high level design tools
- Examples of transforming the format of data acquired by using the database adapter
- executing HCSC easy setup functionality
- ExistObjects(Check node function)
- expanding code conversion
- exporting and importing/ breakpoints
- extension function
- (F)
- fixed fraction numeric value
- flow activity
- flow form development to actual application
- flow of copying mapping definitions
- flow of debugging
- flow of messages
- flow of service requester emulation
- format information
- specifying (for CSV format)
- specifying (for non-CSV format)
- FormatObjects(Convert number format function)
- functions
- assigning specified value
- converting value with conversion table
- deleting
- outputting different values according to conditions
- using to process values
- (G)
- generating xml schema file from binary format definition file
- generating binary format definition file from COBOL library text file
- global variable
- (H)
- HCSC components
- application scopes
- displaying information about
- information that can be referenced
- referencing information about
- types of
- updating list of
- HCSC Easy Setup functionality
- hcsc easy setup functionality
- environment that can be built
- HCSC easy setup screen ([Main] tab)
- HCSC easy setup screen ([Server name] tab)
- header and record elements
- specifying component of
- specifying occurrence count of
- how to emulate service requester
- (I)
- identifying process instances
- identifying process instances based on correlation sets
- if element conversion (BPEL2.0)
- importing business process
- importing business process definitions for BPEL1.1
- importing mapping definition
- importing mapping definition using Excel
- information required for operating test environment
- Information that can be output as design information
- inheriting HTTP header and Cookie information in which service adapter is used
- installation
- installing HiRDB SQL Executer and setting up environment variable
- instance, creating
- integer
- invoke java activity
- invoke java program created by user
- invoke service activity
- Items to be checked before output
- items to be input in HCSC easy setup screen
- (J)
- JMS messages
- creating [standard asynchronous reception (MDB (database queue))]
- creating [standard asynchronous reception (MDB (WS-R))]
- sending [standard asynchronous reception (MDB (database queue))]
- sending [standard asynchronous reception (MDB (WS-R))]
- JMS service requester
- (L)
- LengthObjects (Acquire string length function)
- linking activities
- local variable
- logical operation function
- loop node function
- looping dependent targets
- changing
- checking
- mapping
- LoopObjects(Repeat function)
- (M)
- making mapping lines and functions easier to view
- manual service emulation
- mapping
- canceling
- conditions
- correspondences between nodes and functions that can be mapped
- looping
- looping dependent targets
- non--targets
- notes on
- specifying looping
- synthesizing loops
- targets
- transformation-source node values directly to transformation-destination nodes
- using Loop Settings dialog box
- mapping definition
- mapping information
- mapping lines
- deleting
- mapping source display format
- message format
- creating
- type of
- message format definition file
- creating
- message formats and data transformations
- message types
- messages
- creating
- method of editing function name
- method of generating binary format definition file
- migrating from earlier version
- migrating from earlier version
- version to be performed
- migrating from evaluation version
- modifying activity names
- modifying definition information for activities
- modifying definition information for business processes
- modifying definition information for business processes and activities
- (N)
- NameObjects(Acquire node name function)
- namespace prefix option
- Namespaces(namespace information)
- NOT operation function
- node
- assigning count
- assigning name
- numbers of multiple node sets, summing up
- specifying conditions for
- verifying existence
- notes on copying mapping definitions
- notes on outputting design information
- Notes at the time of development
- notes regarding binary format definition
- notes regarding Eclipse
- NotObjects(NOT operation function)
- number of mapping lines that can be connected
- numbers
- computing
- converting format of
- rounding decimal digits
- numeric value type
- (O)
- object
- generating [standard synchronous reception (Web Services)]
- generating [user-defined reception (Web Services)]
- objects for which you can define same Name element in multiple rows
- operating test environment set up with HCSC easy setup functionality
- output business process
- output of design information
- (P)
- packaging
- pack format numeric value
- parameters
- specifying [standard asynchronous reception (MDB (database queue))]
- specifying [standard asynchronous reception (MDB (WS-R))]
- specifying [standard synchronous reception (SessionBean)]
- specifying [standard synchronous reception (Web Services)]
- perform node operation function
- perform node operation function
- performing basic number transformation
- points to be considered for data transformation definition
- points to be considered when using mapping definition using Excel
- pre-requisite software of test environment
- Preparing RDAREAs
- prerequisites
- prerequisites for using high level design tools
- procedure (soap communication infrastructure) for creating service requester (user-defined reception (web service))
- procedure for creating service requester (user-defined reception (web service)) (jax-ws engine)
- procedure of system development using high level design tools
- procedure from packaging to deployment definition
- processing transformation-source node values and mapping them to transformation-destination node
- project
- creating
- deleting
- exporting
- importing
- managing
- properties, setting up
- (R)
- Radix conversion function
- RadixObjects(radix conversion function)
- Real number
- receive activity
- registering mapping definitions
- registering message schemas
- relating repeat process of each element by setting up linkage path
- Releasing empty pages and empty segments
- ReplaceObjects(Replace value function)
- Replace Value Function
- reply activity
- repository
- changing
- exporting
- importing
- initializing
- managing
- setting up
- specifying
- request message
- request messages
- creating [standard asynchronous reception (MDB (database queue))]
- creating [standard asynchronous reception (MDB (WS-R))]
- creating [standard synchronous reception (SessionBean)]
- creating [standard synchronous reception (Web Services)]
- response message
- response messages
- acquiring [standard asynchronous reception (MDB (database queue))]
- acquiring [standard asynchronous reception (MDB (WS-R))]
- acquiring [standard synchronous reception (SessionBean)]
- acquiring [standard synchronous reception (Web Services)]
- acquiring [user-defined reception (Web Services)]
- response queue
- setting up [standard asynchronous reception (MDB (database queue))]
- setting up [standard asynchronous reception (MDB (WS-R))]
- responses
- extracting [standard asynchronous reception (MDB (database queue))]
- extracting [standard asynchronous reception (MDB (WS-R))]
- Restarting the embedded database
- restricting mapping range
- reviewing detailed interface of service
- reviewing service overview interface
- root element
- changing
- specifying (for CSV format)
- specifying (for non-CSV format)
- round node function
- RoundObjects(Round node function)
- (S)
- saving business processes
- saving mapping definitions
- scope activity
- scope of correlation set
- scoping of XML schema
- selecting selection condition node and setting up selection condition
- selecting the starting separator of components and setting up selection condition
- sending requests
- separator, specifying
- sequence activity
- sequence element conversion (BPEL2.0)
- service component message
- creating (for MDB (WS-R or database queue))
- creating (for SessionBean)
- creating (for Web Services)
- service requester
- creating
- procedure for creating (standard asynchronous reception (MDB (database queue)))
- procedure for creating (standard asynchronous reception (MDB (WS-R))
- procedure for creating (standard synchronous reception (SessionBean))
- procedure for creating (standard synchronous reception (Web services))
- that sends request for business process re-execution (SessionBean), creating
- that sends request for business process re-execution (web services), creating
- that sends requests to standard asynchronous reception (MDB (database queue))
- that sends requests to standard asynchronous reception (MDB (WS-R))
- that sends requests to standard synchronous reception (SessionBean)
- that sends requests to standard synchronous reception (web services)
- that sends requests to user-defined reception (Web services)
- types of protocol and types of standard and user-defined reception
- SessionBean
- application scopes of service components using
- set constant function
- set constant function
- set constant function
- setting breakpoints
- Setting up environment variables of DB client
- settings for using character code conversion UOC
- settings in DB client (HCSC server)
- settings on DB server
- setting up concurrent connections count of embedded database
- setting up DB server and configuring environment
- setting up environment variables group
- setting up mapping definition
- setting up repository
- setting up test environment
- setting up user and defining schemas
- Setting up user limitation and preparing RDAREAs for Reliable Messaging
- shared receive queue, specifying binary data in
- ShiftObjects(Shift operation function)
- shift operation function
- signed binary integer
- simple content element
- specifying globally defined
- specifying locally defined as component
- soap:binding element
- soap:body element
- soap:fault element
- soap:header element
- soap:operation element
- SOAP1.1/1.2 combined mode
- SOAP1.1 mode
- SOAP mode to be used
- specifying correlation sets from activities
- specifying java build path
- specifying scope of transformation-source and destination nodes and mapping automatically
- Specifying target from element of transformation-destination node and mapping automatically
- standard message
- standby activity
- start activity
- starting debugging of business processes
- starting and stopping test environment
- status persistence
- step-by-step execution and restarting
- strings
- assigning character count
- concatenating multiple
- extracting substring from
- removing spaces from
- verifying that specified string is present
- verifying that string begins with specified string
- stub
- acquiring
- creating [standard synchronous reception (web services)]
- creating [user-defined reception (Web Services)]
- SubstringObjects (acquire substring function)
- sum up nodes function
- SumObjects(Sum up nodes function)
- support to data type of COBOL library text file and binary format definition file
- Support range of the SOAP modes
- support range of WSDL1.1 specifications
- switch activities
- system development using high level design tools
- (T)
- test environment
- customizing
- easy setup
- editable definition file
- throw activity
- TP1/Server Base Enterprise Option (TP1/EE) service requester
- transformation-destination node
- mapping transformation-source node values directly to
- transformation-source node for which looping dependent target is specified, displaying path of
- transformation-source node value
- assigning value to
- doubling
- mapping directly to transformation-destination nodes
- transforming wait element [bpel2.0]
- transmission queue, creating
- shared transmission queue, creating
- trim node function
- TrimObjects(Trim node function)
- troubleshooting when high level design tools are used
- types of SOAP mode
- (U)
- uninstalling
- unsetting up test environment
- unsigned binary integer
- updating variables
- upgrading version of business process
- usage existence of database and Reliable Messaging
- user mapping table
- using compensation handler
- using logical operation
- using NOT operation
- using shift operation
- (V)
- validate activity
- validation
- method of
- settings for
- validation contents (binary format definition file)
- variable
- assigned to activity
- defining
- definition method
- format of
- showing
- type of
- (W)
- Web Service Explorer
- while activity
- workflow
- creating binary format definition file
- acquiring
- editing
- wsdl:fault element
- wsdl:import element
- wsdl:operation element
- wsdl:operation element (SOAP1.1/1.2 combined mode)
- wsdl:port element
- wsdl:service element
- wsdl:types element (SOAP1.1/1.2 combined mode)
- wsdl:types elements (SOAP1.1 mode)
- (X)
- XML format definition file
- creating
- XML Schema type dateTime
- XML Schema type duration
- XPath
- specifying
- xsd:schema element
- (Z)
- zone format numeric value
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