uCosminexus Service Platform, Basic Development Guide


Appendix M. Changing IBM kanji code character set

When you select IBM kanji code as a character code, in binary format definition file, by default it is set as follows:

Table M-1 TableDefault when you select IBM kanji code in the character code

Character code type Code system
IBM_CODE+EBCDIC(LATIN) IBM kanji code + standard English lower case characters set
IBM_CODE+EBCDIC(KANA) IBM kanji code + standard Katakana character set

When setting the character code of binary format definition file, use Format dialog. For details on Format dialog, see "1.3.1 Format dialog" in the "Service Platform Reference Guide".

For details on character code, see "Appendix A Character code support table" in the "Service Platform Reference Guide".

Organization of this section
M.1 Procedure for changing the character set of IBM kanji code