uCosminexus Service Platform, Basic Development Guide


2.6.4 Application Scopes of Service Components That Use a Database Queue

This subsection describes the application scopes of service components that use a database queue.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Prerequisite specifications
(2) Message type
(3) Database that can be used
(4) Schema format

(1) Prerequisite specifications

Service components that use a database queue must be created according to the following version specifications:

(2) Message type

When a service component uses a database queue, you can use BytesMessage as the message type for sending a message from a service requester to a service component.

BytesMessage is the only message type that can be used.

(3) Database that can be used

HiRDB is the only database that can create a database queue.

(4) Schema format

The schema used in the service component in which a database queue is used must satisfy the conditions explained in "2.6.5 Scoping of XML schema". For details on schema conditions, see "2.6.5 Scoping of XML schema".