uCosminexus Service Platform, Basic Development Guide


3.1.2 Setting up Properties

This section describes the property settings to be implemented after creating the HCSCTE project.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Setting up a Repository
(2) Specifying the Java build path
(3) Validation Settings
(4) Settings for the prefix added to the service ID and reception ID

(1) Setting up a Repository

Specify a directory to be used as repository as and when needed, when using a repository different than the repository at the time of creating HCSCTE project.

For details on setting up the repository, see "3.2.1 Setting Up a Repository".

(2) Specifying the Java build path

Add the JAR files used for compilation into the build path.

  1. From Eclipse menu, select [Project]-[Property].
    [Property: HCSCTE#] dialog is displayed.
    Project name is displayed in "HCSCTE" part.
  2. Select [Java build and path] from Tree view on the left side of dialog and add the following JAR file.
    <Service Platform installation directory>\CSC\lib\cscbp_ejb.jar

(3) Validation Settings

In Validation settings, specify the character set to be used in the database.

Implement the character code change of the database to be set in HCSCTE project, before creating HCSC components#. Do not make changes after creating HCSC components#.

Specifies the service adapter, business process and user-defined reception.

Procedure for specifying the character code in verification settings is as follows:

  1. From Eclipse menu, select [Project]-[Property].
    [Property: HCSCTE#] dialog is displayed.
    Project name is displayed in "HCSCTE" part.
  2. From Tree view on the left side of dialog, select [HCSC-Definer]-[Verification settings].
    Setting items related to verification settings are displayed on right side of dialog.


  3. In [Character code], specify character code to be used in database.
    The value specified here is used to verify the character string length of service name and activity name of business process.
  4. Click the [Apply] button and then [OK] button.

(4) Settings for the prefix added to the service ID and reception ID

To specify a desired prefix to the service ID and reception ID:

  1. From Eclipse menu, select [Project]-[Property].
    [Property: HCSCTE#] dialog is displayed.
    Project name is displayed in "HCSCTE" part.
  2. From Tree view on the left side of dialog, select [HCSC-Definer]-[Prefix settings].
    Setting items related to prefix settings are displayed on the right side of the dialog.


  3. Specify ID to be added to [Service ID] and [Reception ID].
    Specify prefix of service ID and reception ID with maximum 3 single byte alphanumeric characters and underscore (_).
  4. Click the [Apply] button and then [OK] button.