uCosminexus Service Platform, Basic Development Guide


8.7.2 Editing a WSDL

To create a service requester that sends execution requests to user-defined reception (Web Services), use a WSDL that is specified when the user-defined reception is defined in the development environment. For details about creating a WSDL, see 8.3 Creating WSDL.

In a WSDL that is specified when the user-defined reception is defined in the development environment, a temporary value is set in the value for the service location (value set in the location attribute of the soap-address element within the wsdl:port element). As a result, you need to edit the service location value of the WSDL to the URL information of the user-defined reception that you want to use.

When setting up an HCSC server, if there is a specification (request-userdef-soap=ON is specified) for using a user-defined reception (Web Services) in the HCSC server setup definition file, a URL will be displayed for Web Services in the User-defined Reception Information Display screen of the development environment. The displayed URL is the URL information of the user-defined reception. Set this URL in the service location value of the WSDL.

If an HCSC server is not set up or an HCSC server is set up but there are specifications for not using the user-defined reception (Web services) in the HCSC server setup definition file, set a service location value based on the following rule:

http://host-name:port-number#1/context-root #2

This is the URL (host name and port number) of the HCSC server.

For the context root name, the same value is set by default as the reception ID that is allocated when a user-defined reception is defined in the development environment. It is displayed in Context root in the User-defined Reception Definition screen.

For details about how to display the User-defined Reception Information Display screen, see 7.4.2 Displaying HCSC Component Information.