uCosminexus Service Platform, Basic Development Guide


9.6 Ending Debugging of Business Processes

This section describes the procedure to end debugging and the status of business processes and activities when debugging ends.

End debugging of the business process when the process instance is interrupted. You can check the processing status of the process instance in debug view.

The following describes the procedure for ending debugging.

  1. Choose the debugging business process in Debug view.
  2. Click the End icon ([Figure]).
    Debugging of the business process ends.

When debugging ends in the processing of the process instance, the status of the business process and activity is the same as the status when transaction commit is executed just before debugging ends.

For the transaction commit time, see 5.6 Defining Activities.

Even after debugging ends for the business process and service adapter used for business process debugging, it remains in the deployed and started state in the HCSC server. If required, stop the HCSC component by the method described in 7.6 Batch execution of processes for stopping HCSC components and deleting them from the HCSC serverand delete it from the HCSC server.