uCosminexus Service Platform, Basic Development Guide


5.6 Defining Activities

You need to deploy and link activities on the canvas and define their details.

The following table describes the activities that can be defined and their definition contents.

Table 5-12 Activities that can be defined

Activity Definition
Start Indicates the start of a business process.
Receive# Defines an interface for receiving a request message from a service requester.
Reply# Defines an interface for returning a response or fault to request messages received synchronously from a service requester.
Invoke service# Defines the transmission of a request message to a defined HCSC component.
Invoke Java Defines the invocation of a Java class that implements a dedicated interface.
Data transformation Defines data transformation processing.
Assign Creates definitions for executing the following processes:
  • Assigning a variable (basic type or message type) to another variable
  • Assigning part of a variable to another variable
  • Creating a value (numeric value, character string, or true/false value) and assigning it to a variable
Empty Defines that the activity does nothing even if executed.
Throw Defines a fault notification to a higher-order scope activity.
Standby# Defines the process for putting a process flow in standby mode at regular intervals or until a certain time limit.
Validate Validates messages transferred within a business process.
Scope Defines a process flow consisting of one or more activities as a single unit (scope).
While Defines repetitive processing of one or more activities under specified conditions.
Switch (Start) Defines switching of the processing of a business process according to the result of a conditional expression. The switching start and end points must be defined.
Switch (End)
Flow (Start) Defines the division of a processing flow into multiple sequences and the concurrent execution of these sequences (parallel processing of a flow).
The flow start and end points must be defined.
Flow (End)
End Indicates the end of a business process.

If status persistence is specified for a business process, the processing of receive, reply, invoke service, and standby activities determines the timing of finalizing the statuses of these activities (transaction start and commitment timing).
For details about transaction start and commitment timing, see 3.4 Transaction of a business process in the manual Service Platform Overview.

The following subsections provide details of the definition of each activity.

Reference note
Any activities other than start and end activities can be copied to any locations on the business process screen while their definition contents are retained.
However, variable inconsistencies might occur between activities during activity copying (for example, the variables to be referenced might not exist at the copy destination). In such cases, output the message format of the variables from the copy source and set the format to the variables at the copy destination. For details about how to output the message format set for variables, see 5.5.1(7) Output of message format definition file.
Organization of this section
5.6.1 Start Activity
5.6.2 Receive Activity
5.6.3 Reply Activity
5.6.4 Service Invocation Activity
5.6.5 Invoke Java Activity
5.6.6 Data Transformation Activity
5.6.7 Assign Activity
5.6.8 Empty Activity
5.6.9 Throw Activity
5.6.10 Standby Activity
5.6.11 Validate activity
5.6.12 Scope Activity
5.6.13 While Activity
5.6.14 Switch Activities
5.6.15 Flow Activities
5.6.16 End Activity
5.6.17 Sequence Activity
5.6.18 Specifying an XPath