uCosminexus Service Platform, Basic Development Guide


7.3.3 Deleting HCSC Components from a Cluster

This subsection explains how to delete HCSC components from a cluster or single HCSC server. Note that if you delete an HCSC component from a cluster or single HCSC server, the data transformation definition and user-defined reception interface related to the deleted HCSC component are also deleted.

  1. From the system configuration definition list in the tree view, select the HCSC component to be deleted.
  2. Use one of the following deletion methods:
    • Right-click the HCSC component to be deleted, and then select Delete Service or Delete multiple services.
    • Press the Delete key.
    If Delete multiple services is selected, the Delete multiple services dialog box appears. Select the check boxes for the services to be deleted, and then click OK.
    A dialog box is displayed to confirm whether to delete the selected services. To delete the services, click Yes.