uCosminexus Service Platform, Basic Development Guide


6.12.1 Creating table format XML file

Method for creating table format XML file has two types such as type of using a template file in which each element of table format XML schema definition file has already been mapped to Excel and a type of mapping element individually based on the table format XML schema definition file.

Reference note
Following has already been set up in the template file.
  • Element has been mapped by diving sheets for each object.
  • In mandatory items, asterisk (*) are added to beginning of item name. For mandatory items, you must set up value in all the lines to be defined. In case of blank row, error occurs.
  • If value of item is restricted to fixed value (items for which value can be entered only as "y" or "n"), data input rules are set and you can select value from the list.

Creation procedure in respective cases is as follows:

Organization of this subsection
(1) When using a template file
(2) When mapping the element based on table format XML schema definition file

(1) When using a template file

  1. Copy a template file (dt_import_template.xlsx) and save with any name.
    The location of storing the template file (dt_import_template.xlsx) is "<Service Platform installation directory>\CSCTE\resources\dt_import".
  2. Start Microsoft Office Excel 2007 and open the copied file.


  3. Define the function or mapping line in the cell in which mapping of XML element has been performed.


    For details on the definition method, see "6.12.2 Setting up the mapping definition".
  4. Click Export button of Development tab and save the file in XML format.
    The definition contents are exported as the table format XML file.

(2) When mapping the element based on table format XML schema definition file

  1. Start Microsoft Office Excel 2007.
  2. Select Source button of Development tab.
    XML source work window is displayed.
  3. Click XML mapping... button of XML source work window.
    XML mapping dialog is displayed.
  4. Click Add button, to add table format XML schema definition file (dt_import_mapping.xsd).
    Storage destination of table format XML schema definition file (dt_import_mapping.xsd) is "<Service Platform installation directory>\CSCTE\resources\dt_import".
    Schema is displayed in tree format in XML source work window.
  5. Drag and drop the element part of "***Objects" or "Namespaces" to the cell. #
    Data of the element part that is Dragged and dropped becomes configurable.
    To map element, divide sheet for each object (such as Copy or Concatenate). If you set up multiple elements in each sheet, you cannot import the mapping definition properly.
  6. Define function or mapping line in the cell in which mapping of XML element is performed.
    For details on the definition method, see "6.12.2 Setting up the mapping definition".
  7. Click Export button of Development tab and save the file in XML format.
    Definition contents are exported as table format XML file.