uCosminexus Service Platform, Basic Development Guide


2.5.1 Checking unused RD area

Review the database usage status by checking the unused RD area. You must periodically check the unused RD area. This section describes the pre-conditions and methods for checking the unused RD area.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Pre-conditions
(2) Method for checking

(1) Pre-conditions

To check unused RD area, database must be in active status.

Also, connection information of HiRDB server other than the embedded database must not be set in the system environment variables (PDHOST, PDNAMEPORT, PDUSER) of OS. If those are set, delete the system environment variable with set command, after starting the database console.

(2) Method for checking

Method for checking the unused RD area is as follows:

  1. From [Start] menu of Windows, select [Cosminexus]-[Database console].
    Environment variables for operating the embedded database are set.
  2. Execute pddbls command to display the status of RD area.
    For details on pddbls command, see the "HiRDB Command Reference Guide".
    Execution format o pddbls command is as follows:
    pddbls -r ALL -a
  3. Check the unused RD area from the command execution result.
    Following figure shows the example of execution result.


  4. When unused RD area is less, eliminate the shortage of unused area using the following methods: