uCosminexus Service Platform, Basic Development Guide


4.5 Generating the binary format definition file from COBOL Library Text File

Generating the binary format definition file from COBOL Library Text file is a function that converts the specified COBOL Library Text File to the binary format definition file.

When you use this function, you can automate the generation of the binary format definition file from COBOL Library Text File. Therefore, effectivity of data transformation work can be plotted.

Following figure shows the image of data transformation by using the function for generating the binary format definition file from COBOL Library Text File:

Figure 4-7 Data transformation by using function for generating binary format definition file from COBOL Library Text File (example of using TP1/RPC reception)


This function uses the COBOL2FDX converter. The COBOL2FDX converter parses the record definition of the specified COBOL Library Text File and outputs as the binary format definition file.

Organization of this section
4.5.1 Description format of COBOL Library Text File that can be transformed
4.5.2 Support to data type of COBOL Library Text File and binary format definition file
4.5.3 Method of generating the binary format definition file