uCosminexus Service Platform, Basic Development Guide
(1) Starting a new file wizard
Method to start the new file wizard is as follows:
- Open New file wizard, by either of the following methods:
- From menu of Eclipse, select [File]-[New]-[Others].
- Right click any location in the Package explorer and select [New]-[Others].
- In New file wizard, select [HCSCTE format definition]-[Binary format definition file(transformation from COBOL Library Text File)].
- Click [Next] button.
Proceed to [COBOL Library Settings page].
(2) Specifying the file to be transformed
Following section describes the method of specifying the COBOL Library Text File to be transformed.
- Click [Browse] button on [COBOL Library Settings page] and specify the COBOL Library Text File to be transformed.
- In [Currency edition character of PICTURE clause], specify the currency edition character of PICTURE clause, to be used.
For details on the characters that you can specify in currency edition character of PICTURE clause, see "1.3.10 Conversion dialog from COBOL Library Text" in "Service Platform Reference Guide".
- In [Character code of basic items], select character code used in alphanumeric items of COBOL Library Text File.
- In [Binary format Endian], select either of Big Endian or Little Endian.
- Click [Next] button.
COBOL Library Text File is transformed and process proceeds to [Data item Settings page]. If an error occurs during transformation, an error message is displayed.
(3) Setting up data items
This section describes a method to set up data items.
- To change the element name of the binary format definition file after transformation, select the cell of [Optional name] in the [Data item settings page] and enter optional name.
If the name you have specified is incorrect, a message is displayed in the upper part of page. For details on the character that you can specify in [Optional name], see "1.3.10 Conversion dialog from COBOL Library Text" in "Service Platform Reference Guide".
- Click [Next] button.
Process proceeds to [Output file settings page].
When you click [Back] button, a message for confirming whether to discard the already set contents is displayed. If you want to return to [COBOL Library text settings page] and specify COBOL Library Text File once again, click [OK] button.
(4) Output file settings
This section describes a method to set up the output file.
- Specify output destination folder, from Tree view of [Output file settings page].
For details on [Output file settings page], see "1.3.10 Conversion dialog from COBOL Library Text" in "Service Platform Reference Guide".
- In [Format name], enter format name of the binary format definition file.
- Click [Finish] button.
Binary format definition file after conversion is output and the Binary format definition editor is started. During the file output, a progress bar is displayed on the lower part of the screen.
- Reference
- You can edit the binary format definition file after transformation, by using the Binary format definition editor, in the same way as the file directly created using the Binary format definition editor. For details on the Binary format definition editor, see "4.4.1 Types of data type and character code of binary format definition file".
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