uCosminexus Service Platform, Basic Development Guide


6.13 Definition details of table format XML schema definition file

This section describes the contents of the table format XML schema definition file used in mapping definition of Excel.

Following table describes the definitions list of the table format XML schema definition file.

Table 6-25 TableDefinitions list of table format XML schema definition file

Major classification Intermediate classification Description
Defines - Defines the pre-requisite information for defining an object.
Namespaces Defines the namespace information used in definition of path that shows the transformation source node or transformation destination node on the Data transformation definition screen.
Objects# - Defines function or mapping line.
CopyObjects Defines a mapping line to the transformation destination node.
ConcatenateObjects Defines the Concatenate function.
SubstringObjects Defines the Acquire substring function.
LengthObjects Defines the Acquire string length function.
ContainObjects Defines the Check string function.
TrimObjects Defines the Trim node function.
FormatObjects Defines the Convert number format function.
CalculateObjects Defines the Perform node operation function.
RoundObjects Defines the Round node function.
SumObjects Defines he Sum up nodes function.
NotObjects Defines the NOT operation function.
BitOpObjects Defines the Logical operation function.
ShiftObjects Defines the Shift operation function.
NameObjects Defines the Acquire node name function.
CountObjects Defines the Acquire node count function.
ExistObjects Defines the Check node function.
LoopObjects Defines the Repeat function.
ChooseObjects Defines the Select function.
ReplaceObjects Defines the Replace value function.
RadixObjects Defines the Radix conversion function.
CustomObjects Defines the Custom function.
ConstantObjects Defines the Set constant function.

-: Not applicable

Definition range of CopyObjects and other than CopyObjects differs as follows:
Definition range is the mapping line from the transformation source node or function to the transformation destination node.
Other than CopyObjects:
Definition range is the mapping line connected to function unit or transformation source node/input side function.
Following figure shows the definition range of CopyObjects and other than CopyObjects:

Figure 6-58 FigureDefinition range of CopyObjects and other than CopyObjects


Further sections describe the details of each definition.

Organization of this section
6.13.1 Namespaces (namespace information)
6.13.2 CopyObjects (mapping to transformation destination node)
6.13.3 ConcatenateObjects (Concatenate function)
6.13.4 SubstringObjects (Acquire substring function)
6.13.5 LengthObjects (Acquire string length function)
6.13.6 ContainObjects(Check string function)
6.13.7 TrimObjects (Trim node function)
6.13.8 FormatObjects(Convert number format function)
6.13.9 CalculateObjects(Perform node operation function)
6.13.10 RoundObjects(Round node function)
6.13.11 SumObjects(Sum up nodes function)
6.13.12 NotObjects(NOT operation function)
6.13.13 BitOpObjects(Logical operation function)
6.13.14 ShiftObjects(Shift operation function)
6.13.15 NameObjects(Acquire node name function)
6.13.16 CountObjects(Acquire node count function)
6.13.17 ExistObjects(Check node function)
6.13.18 LoopObjects(Repeat function)
6.13.19 ChooseObjects(Select function)
6.13.20 ReplaceObjects(Replace value function)
6.13.21 RadixObjects(radix conversion function)
6.13.22 CustomObjects(Custom function)
6.13.23 ConstantObjects(Set constant function)
6.13.24 Objects for which you can define the same Name element in multiple rows