uCosminexus Service Platform, Basic Development Guide


3.3.2 Items to be checked before output

The following are the items to be checked before the output of design information:

Organization of this subsection
(1) Usable Web browsers
(2) Repository status
(3) Output destination of the design information
(4) Output time of the design information
(5) Printing the design information
(6) When using with Windows Vista and Windows 7

(1) Usable Web browsers

Use the following Web browsers to reference the output design information (HTML):

(2) Repository status

When you output the design information, Hitachi recommends that you use a repository in which no error occurs during the packaging of HCSC components. If an error occurs during the packaging, due to a validation error in the data transformation definition, the corresponding table of the data transformation definition, in which the validation error occurred, will not be output.

Note that when a validation error of a data transformation definition occurs, the message reporting the occurrence of an error in the console view is displayed. When the design information output terminates, a dialog box reporting the occurrence of an error is displayed.

(3) Output destination of the design information

Specify a location containing no directories or files as the output destination of the design information. If directories or files exist, a file might be overwritten or unnecessary files might remain. Note that if a directory or file exists at the output destination of the specified design information, a dialog box enquiring whether to proceed with the processing will be displayed.

(4) Output time of the design information

A significant amount of time might be consumed in the output of the design information if the data to be output is large, or depending upon the performance of the machine used. Note that during the output of the design information, you will not be able to perform any other task on Eclipse.

(5) Printing the design information

When you print from a browser, the right end of the output contents might be truncated during the printing if the size of the print paper is small. Therefore, Hitachi recommends that you check the printing contents with the print preview functionality before printing, and set up the correct paper size and margins.

(6) When using with Windows Vista and Windows 7

When you want to specify a directory that requires administrator privileges, as the output destination of the design information, execute Eclipse for Cosminexus with administrator privileges. If administrator privileges are not granted, an error will occur during the output of the design information.