uCosminexus Service Platform, Basic Development Guide


2.1.4 Creating embedded database

Service Architect includes embedded database that can be used as test environment to test the developed HCSC components.

If you use embedded database to set up the HCSC server for testing in the development environment, you need not arrange or set up a separate DB server.

  • You need to set up embedded database explained hereafter, when you want to set up the test environment by using the HCSC easy setup function.
    For details on HCSC easy setup function, see "2.4 Easy Setup of the Test Environment".
  • Create HCSC server and embedded database for testing, on the same machine having development environment. You cannot use embedded database, by setting up DB server on another machine.
    Embedded database is based on HiRDB. When using other database (Oracle), set up DB server on another machine.
  • When you have set up the embedded database, with HCSC easy setup function, you cannot connect to the embedded database remotely from an external machine. When you want to operate embedded database by using HiRDB SQL Executer, start HiRDB SQL Executer on the test environment machine and specify "localhost" in the host name of [CONNECT] dialog.

The following points describe the settings required for using the embedded database.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Settings on DB server
(2) Settings in DB client (HCSC server)

(1) Settings on DB server

The embedded database is installed at the stage of installing Service Architect. Therefore, you need not install embedded database separately.

You must execute the following tasks for using the embedded database.

Each of the above-listed tasks is explained as follows:

(a) Installing HiRDB SQL Executer and setting up environment variables

Install HiRDB SQL Executer included in the embedded database.

For details on how to install HiRDB SQL Executer when creating the embedded database, see "3.2 Installing HiRDB SQL Executer" in the "Application Server Application Development Guide".

Once the installation is complete, add/setup the following environment variable PATH.

<Service platform installation directory>\DB\BIN;
<Service platform installation directory>\DB\CLIENT\UTL;
(b) Setting up DB server and configuring the environment

Use Eclipse for setting up DB server and configuring environment of the embedded database.

For the method to set up DB server and configure the environment, see "Appendix B.3 Creating embedded database" in "Application Server Application Development Guide".

In DB server setup settings screen, select [Large (2GB)] as the size of the created database.

(c) Setting up users and defining schemas

Define the user and schema that will use the database.

For the method to set up the user and define schema of the embedded database, see "Appendix B.3 Creating the embedded database" in "Application Server Application Development Guide".

(d) Preparing RDAREAs

Create, add or expanded RDAREAs as and when required, to store the management information table of HCSC Messaging. Also, when you create, add or expanded RDAREAs, check whether it is processed properly.

Procedure for creating, adding or expanding RDAREAs is as follows:

  1. If the connection information of HiRDB server which is different than the connection information of the embedded database, is set up in the OS system variables (PDHOST, PDNAMEPORT, PDUSER), delete that information with set command.
  2. From [Start] menu of Windows, select [Cosminexus]-[Database console].
    Environment variables that operate the embedded database are set.
  3. Run the following command, depending on the operations.
    • pdfmkfs command (for creating RDAREAs)
    • pdmod command (for adding and expanding RDAREAs)
    • pddbls command (for displaying the status of RDAREAs)
    For the above-mentioned commands, see the "HiRDB Command Reference".
  4. When you add or expand RDAREAs, add the pdbuffer operand of DB definition file (HiRDB system definition file) of embedded database and expand the global buffer of the embedded database, as and when needed.
    DB definition file of the embedded database is under the DB definition file directory specified at the time of setting up the DB server.
(e) Restarting the embedded database

Stop and restart the embedded database.

For the method to stop and restart the embedded database, see "6.2 Starting and stopping the embedded database" in "Application Server Application Development Guide".

(2) Settings in DB client (HCSC server)

When using the embedded database, you must perform following operations, as the settings of DB client (HCSC server).

Each operation is explained as follows:

(a) Setting up environment variables of DB client

Set up the environment variables PDXAMODE and PDTXACANUM.

(b) Setting up environment variables group

Register the environment variables group with "Client environment variable registration tool" in the following path.

<Service platform installation directory>\DB\CLIENT\UTL

For the details on registering the environment variables group with the client environment variable registration tool, see the "HiRDB UAP Development Guide".

Specify the registered environment variable group name with XA_OPEN character string of the DB Connector property. For XA_OPEN character string (XAOpenString) of DB Connector properties, see "<4.2.2 Defining DB Connector properties" in "Application Server Application Setup Guide".

(c) Setting up the concurrent connections count of embedded database

Increase the concurrent connections count of embedded database, as and when required. Change the operand of the DB definition file of embedded database. DB definition file exists in directory to be set up through the settings screen of DB server setup, at the time of implementing work of "(1)(b) Setting up DB server and configuring the environment".

Change the following operands in the DB definition file.

Also, set the value of environment variable PDTXACANUM to the value greater than the specified value of pd_max_users.

(d) Setting up user limitation and preparing RDAREAs for Reliable Messaging

Set up user limitation and prepare RDAREAs for Reliable Messaging, as and when required.

The method to set up user limitations is same as the method given in "(1)(c) Setting up users and defining schemas".

The method to prepare RD area is same as the method given in "(1)(d) Preparing RDAREAs".