uCosminexus Service Platform, Basic Development Guide


3.2 Managing a Repository

A repository is a directory that stores the information shared by the development environment and the operating environment. Set up a repository when you create an HCSCTE project in the development environment. You can also export or import the specified repository as needed.

In the version 07-60 or later, you cannot share the same repository in a development environment and an operating environment. If the repository is shared in an earlier version, prepare the separate repositories in the development environment and the operating environment, and then migrate to a higher version. For details about how to migrate, see "Appendix A.3 Migrating procedure when a repository is shared between development environment and operating environment in earlier version".
Organization of this section
3.2.1 Setting Up a Repository
3.2.2 Exporting a Repository
3.2.3 Importing a Repository