uCosminexus Service Platform, Basic Development Guide
In exporting the repository, you can consolidate repository in 1 ZIP file and save in the specified directory.
Following are the 2 methods to export a repository.
- Saving all the information in a repository, by consolidating in a ZIP file
- Selecting information of the required services and saving in a ZIP file
- Organization of this subsection
- (1) Exporting a repository
- (2) Exporting only a part of service definition
(1) Exporting a repository
Procedure for exporting a repository is as follows:
- From Eclipse menu, select [HCSC-Definer]-[Definition information management]-[Export entire definition information].
[Export repository] dialog is displayed.
- Specify a directory for saving and input a name for the ZIP file to be saved.
- Click the [Save] button.
ZIP file is saved in the specified directory.
If the save destination directory has a file with the same name, a dialog is displayed to confirm overwriting of the file. If you want to overwrite the file, click the [Yes] button and save file.
- Reference note
- It is recommended to export the repository as and when required and take backup of the data of repository.
(2) Exporting only a part of service definition
When exporting by selecting the required services, you can save the following information in specified directory.
- Definition related to HCSC components (service adapter, business process)
- Source file of user-defined Java class
- Pre-requisite library file of user-defined Java class
You can select multiple export targets. User-defined reception related to the business process to be exported, is also exported concurrently.
Procedure for exporting only a part of service definitions is as follows:
- From Eclipse menu, select [HCSC-Definer]-[Definition information management]-[Export services].
Select service screen of the service export wizard is displayed.
- Check the checkbox of the service to be exported.
When you want to check only the publicized services, click [Select only the publicized services].
- Specify directory for saving by clicking [Browse] button and input the name of ZIP file to be saved.
Existence of user-defined Java class is checked and either of [Next] button or [Finish] button is enabled.
- Perform either of the following operations:
- When user-defined Java class does not exist
- Click [End] button
- Selected service definition is saved in ZIP file.
- When user-defined Java class exists
- Click [Next] button.
- Select file screen of service export wizard is displayed. Proceed with the following steps:
- Check the checkbox of user-defined Java class to be exported and pre-requisite library file for the same.
- Click [End] button.
Selected service definition is saved in ZIP file.
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