uCosminexus Service Platform, Basic Development Guide
Following figure shows CSCOwnCodeReader interface:
Figure I-3 FigureCSCOwnCodeReader interface
package jp.co.Hitachi.soft.csc.dt.uoc ; import jp.co.Hitachi.soft.csc.dt.uoc.CSCOwnCodeConverterException ; public interface CSCOwnCodeReader { CSCOwnCodeReaderContext start( byte[] data, int offset, int length ) throws CSCOwnCodeConverterException ; boolean readChar( CSCOwnCodeReaderContext context ) throws CSCOwnCodeConverterException ; void end( CSCOwnCodeReaderContext context ) ; }
Method name | Description |
start method | This is the method to start the reading of character string of self-defined character code. |
readChar method | This is the method to read 1 character of self-defined character code characters. |
end method | This is the method to end the reading of character string of self-defined character code. |
When data transformation target is variable length character string and separator has been set in the binary format definition, data transformation executes the separator parsing process. Following figure shows the order of invoking each method of CSCOwnCodeReader and CSCOwnCodeReaderContext.
Figure I-4 FigureOrder of invoking each method of CSCOwnCodeReader and CSCOwnCodeReaderContext
public CSCOwnCodeReaderContext start( byte[] data, int offset, int length )
public boolean readChar( CSCOwnCodeReaderContext context )
public void end( CSCOwnCodeReaderContext context )
The exception class that occurs at the time of developing character code conversion UOC is as follows:
Implementation example (MS932) of CSCOwnCodeReader interface is as follows:
public class CSCOwnCodeReaderImpl implements CSCOwnCodeConverter, CSCOwnCodeReader { private static final String UNICODE = "ISO-10646-UCS-2" ; private final HJCOption option ; private static byte[] charSizeTable = initCharSizeTable() ; private static byte[] initCharSizeTable() { final byte[] objTable = new byte[0x100] ; for ( int i = 0; i <= 0xff; i++ ) { if ( i <= 0x80 || (i >= 0xA0 && i <= 0xDF) || (i >= 0xFD && i <= 0xFF) ) { objTable[i] = 1 ; } else { objTable[i] = 2 ; } } return objTable ; } public CSCOwnCodeReaderImpl() { option = new HJCOption() ; try { // Unicode is Big Endian option.enableOption( HJCOption.COP_BIGENDIAN ) ; } catch ( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace() ; } } @Override public void setProperties( Properties properties ) throws CSCOwnCodeConverterException { String codetablepath = null ; if ( properties != null ) { codetablepath = properties.getProperty( "codetablepath" ) ; } try { if ( codetablepath == null ) { option .setTablePath( "C:\\Program Files\\HITACHI\\Cosminexus\\CSC\\lib\\external\\table" ) ; } else { option.setTablePath( codetablepath ) ; } } catch ( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace() ; } } @Override public int available( byte[] inBuffer ) throws CSCOwnCodeConverterException { if ( inBuffer == null ) { final String message = "You cannot convert blank character string" ; throw new CSCOwnCodeConverterException( message ) ; } int retInt = -1 ; final HJCResult result = new HJCResult() ; final HJCString inStr = new HJCString( inBuffer ) ; try { HJCConverters.cs_ms932tounicode( inStr, result, option ) ; } catch ( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace() ; throw new CSCOwnCodeConverterException( e ) ; } final byte[] resultData = result.getStrResult().getBytes() ; final int resultState = result.getConvertState() ; if ( resultState == HJCConvertState.CST_NORMAL ) { // Conversion ended successfully if ( resultData != null ) { retInt = result.getResultLength() ; } } else { // Conversion ended abnormally final byte[] bytes = new byte[result.getResultLength() - 1] ; System.arraycopy( inBuffer, 0, bytes, 0, result.getResultLength() - 1 ) ; retInt = available( bytes ) ; } return retInt ; } @Override public char[] ownCodeToUnicode( byte[] inBuffer ) throws CSCOwnCodeConverterException { char[] retChar = null ; final HJCResult result = new HJCResult() ; final HJCString inStr = new HJCString( inBuffer ) ; try { HJCConverters.cs_ms932tounicode( inStr, result, option ) ; final byte[] resultData = result.getStrResult().getBytes() ; final String retstr = new String( resultData, UNICODE ) ; retChar = retstr.toCharArray() ; } catch ( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace() ; throw new CSCOwnCodeConverterException( e ) ; } return retChar ; } @Override public byte[] unicodeToOwnCode( char[] inBuffer ) throws CSCOwnCodeConverterException { byte[] retByte = null ; final String data = new String( inBuffer ) ; final HJCResult result = new HJCResult() ; try { final HJCString inStr = new HJCString( data.getBytes( UNICODE ) ) ; HJCConverters.cs_unicodetoms932( inStr, result, option ) ; retByte = result.getStrResult().getBytes() ; } catch ( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace() ; throw new CSCOwnCodeConverterException( e ) ; } return retByte ; } @Override public CSCOwnCodeReaderContext start( byte[] data, int offset, int length ) throws CSCOwnCodeConverterException { return new CSCOwnCodeReaderContextImpl( Arrays.copyOfRange( data, offset, length ) ) ; } @Override public boolean readChar( CSCOwnCodeReaderContext context ) throws CSCOwnCodeConverterException { final CSCOwnCodeReaderContextImpl contextImpl = (CSCOwnCodeReaderContextImpl)context ; final int offset = contextImpl.getNextPosition() ; contextImpl.setPosition( offset ) ; final byte[] data = contextImpl.getData() ; // Acquire maximum length of input data (not the size of character) final int maxLength = data.length ; if ( offset >= maxLength ) { // Current position is outside the range of input data return false ; } final int len = charSizeTable[data[offset] & 0xff] ; contextImpl.setLength( len ) ; final int next = offset + len ; contextImpl.setNextPosition( next ) ; if ( next > maxLength ) { // Conversion result is error // Occurs when input data is invalid // Returns false and aborts the parsing return false ; } return true ; } @Override public void end( CSCOwnCodeReaderContext context ) throws CSCOwnCodeConverterException { // No process is performed as resources to be released do not exist } }
Implementation example (IBM Kanji code) of CSCOwnCodeReader interface is as follows:
public class CSCOwnCodeReaderImpl implements CSCOwnCodeConverter, CSCOwnCodeReader { private static final String UNICODE = "ISO-10646-UCS-2" ; private static final byte SHIFT_SINGLEBYTE = (byte)0x0f ; private static final byte SHIFT_MULTIBYTE = (byte)0x0e ; private final HJCOption option ; public CSCOwnCodeReaderImpl() { option = new HJCOption() ; try { // Unicode is Big Endian option.enableOption( HJCOption.COP_BIGENDIAN ) ; // EBCDIC option.enableOption( HJCOption.COP_EBCDIC ) ; } catch ( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace() ; } } @Override public void setProperties( Properties properties ) throws CSCOwnCodeConverterException { String codetablepath = null ; if ( properties != null ) { codetablepath = properties.getProperty( "codetablepath" ) ; } try { if ( codetablepath == null ) { option .setTablePath( "C:\\Program Files\\HITACHI\\Cosminexus\\CSC\\lib\\external\\table" ) ; } else { option.setTablePath( codetablepath ) ; } } catch ( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace() ; } } @Override public int available( byte[] inBuffer ) throws CSCOwnCodeConverterException { if ( inBuffer == null ) { final String message = "You cannot convert blank character string." ; throw new CSCOwnCodeConverterException( message ) ; } int retInt = -1 ; final HJCResult result = new HJCResult() ; final HJCString inStr = new HJCString( inBuffer ) ; try { HJCConverters.cs_ibmtounicode( inStr, result, option ) ; } catch ( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace() ; throw new CSCOwnCodeConverterException( e ) ; } final byte[] resultData = result.getStrResult().getBytes() ; final int resultState = result.getConvertState() ; if ( resultState == HJCConvertState.CST_NORMAL ) { // Conversion ends successfully if ( resultData != null ) { retInt = result.getResultLength() ; } } else { // Conversion ends abnormally final byte[] bytes = new byte[result.getResultLength() - 1] ; System.arraycopy( inBuffer, 0, bytes, 0, result.getResultLength() - 1 ) ; retInt = available( bytes ) ; } return retInt ; } @Override public char[] ownCodeToUnicode( byte[] inBuffer ) throws CSCOwnCodeConverterException { char[] retChar = null ; final HJCResult result = new HJCResult() ; final HJCString inStr = new HJCString( inBuffer ) ; try { HJCConverters.cs_ibmtounicode( inStr, result, option ) ; final byte[] resultData = result.getStrResult().getBytes() ; final String retstr = new String( resultData, UNICODE ) ; retChar = retstr.toCharArray() ; } catch ( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace() ; throw new CSCOwnCodeConverterException( e ) ; } return retChar ; } @Override public byte[] unicodeToOwnCode( char[] inBuffer ) throws CSCOwnCodeConverterException { byte[] retByte = null ; final String data = new String( inBuffer ) ; final HJCResult result = new HJCResult() ; try { final HJCString inStr = new HJCString( data.getBytes( UNICODE ) ) ; HJCConverters.cs_unicodetoibm( inStr, result, option ) ; retByte = result.getStrResult().getBytes() ; } catch ( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace() ; throw new CSCOwnCodeConverterException( e ) ; } return retByte ; } @Override public CSCOwnCodeReaderContext start( byte[] data, int offset, int length ) throws CSCOwnCodeConverterException { final byte[] tempData = Arrays.copyOfRange( data, offset, length ) ; // Start parsing from position of offset return new CSCOwnCodeReaderContextImpl( tempData ) ; } @Override public boolean readChar( CSCOwnCodeReaderContext context ) throws CSCOwnCodeConverterException { final CSCOwnCodeReaderContextImpl contextImpl = (CSCOwnCodeReaderContextImpl)context ; // Current position final int position = contextImpl.getNextPosition() ; // Byte string of parsing target character string final byte[] data = contextImpl.getData() ; // Upper limit of parsing is till end of input data final int maxLength = data.length ; // Parse 1 by 1 byte from current position for ( int i = position; i < maxLength; i++ ) { // Parse the next character if ( data[i] == SHIFT_SINGLEBYTE ) { // Transit to single byte mode contextImpl.setLength( 1 ) ; contextImpl.setCanSeparate( true ) ; continue ; } else if ( data[i] == SHIFT_MULTIBYTE ) { // Transit to multi-byte mode contextImpl.setLength( 2 ) ; contextImpl.setCanSeparate( false ) ; continue ; } contextImpl.setPosition( i ) ; contextImpl.setNextPosition( i + contextImpl.getLength() ) ; if ( contextImpl.getNextPosition() > maxLength ) { // Data is not sufficient return false ; } // Parsing is successful return true ; } contextImpl.setPosition( maxLength ) ; contextImpl.setNextPosition( maxLength ) ; return false ; } @Override public void end( CSCOwnCodeReaderContext context ) throws CSCOwnCodeConverterException { // Performs nothing as the resources to be parsed do not exist } }
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