uCosminexus Service Platform, Basic Development Guide
(1) Exporting the repository
Before upgrading the version, export and save the repository of the development environment. If multiple repositories are being used, export and save all the necessary repositories.
For details about how to export a repository, see 3.2.2 Exporting a Repository.
(2) Deleting the HCSCTE projects
(3) Uninstalling the development environment
Uninstall the old version of Service Platform from the development environment. Hitachi recommends that you back up the directories and files in the installation directory for Service Platform before uninstalling the old version.
- Note
- Stop the components of the execution environment (such as the J2EE server, Management Server, and PRF) before uninstalling Service Platform.
- If you are using an embedded database, stop the database before uninstalling Service Platform.
(4) Installing the development environment
In the development environment, install version 09-60 of Service Platform to upgrade the existing version.
(5) Creating an HCSCTE project
Create a new HCSCTE project in the upgraded development environment. Specify the directory to be used as a repository. For the directory to be used as a repository, do not specify the repository of the production environment.
For details about the procedure, see 3.1.1 Creating a Project.
If an external binding file has been used in the old version, you need to specify the file again in Eclipse. For details about the procedure, see Appendix L. Customizing WSDL using the external binding file.
(6) Importing the repository
Import the repository information (exported in (1) Exporting the repository) into the development environment. Before importing the repository, select the Project menu of Eclipse, and then clear the Build Automatically option. After importing the repository, select the Build Automatically option again.
When you import the repository of the old version, packaging and deployment definition are executed automatically, and the repository information is inherited into the current version. Note that packaging and deployment definition are automatically executed only for service adapters, business processes, and user-defined reception interfaces for which packaging and deployment definition have been executed in the old version. Add a new database adapter rather than using the old version of the database adapter. For details about how to add new database adapters, see 3.2.5 Adding New Database Adapters in the Service Platform Reception and Adapter Definition Guide.
For details about how to import a repository, see 3.2.3 Importing a Repository.
- Note
- Notes on migrating from a version earlier than 07-50
- If the following file names are specified in the user-defined class of the SessionBean adapter, a warning message appears:
- csmsvcadpdef.jar
- cscmsg_adpejb.jar
If the warning message appears, delete the above user-defined class in the Service Adapter Settings window, change the file name, and then specify the file name again.
- If a message format schema file where the default namespace is not specified is set as the variable for a business process defined in a version earlier than 07-50, register the message format file again after the version is upgraded.
- Notes on migrating from version 07-60 or later
- When migrating from version 07-60 or later, import the service adapter and user-defined reception interface to be deployed in the execution environment into the development environment, and then repackage them. If you do not repackage the service adapter, the KDEC03007-E message might not be output. Similarly, if you do not repackage the user-defined reception interface, invalid padding characters might be output in the KDEC00001-E message. For details about packaging methods, see 7.2 Packaging.
- Notes on migrating from a version earlier than 08-10
- If the following elements (compositors) with the occurrence count fixed at "once" are defined below the sequence or choice element in the data transformation definition, the node display is changed. Therefore, an error message is displayed indicating that the XML Schema used in the mapping definition file has changed.
- If an error message is displayed, start the mapping definition again to apply the changes.
- Notes on migrating from a version earlier than 09-50
- If a schema that meets the conditions below is defined in the data transformation definition, the namespace is changed. Therefore, an error message is displayed indicating that the XML Schema used in the mapping definition file has changed.
- A schema that has its target namespace (targetNamespace) defined at the import destination is specified for the transformation source node.
- The namespace in 1 above is not defined in any namespace declarations (xmlns[:prefix]) including import and include destinations.
- If an error message is displayed, start the mapping definition again to apply the changes.
- Notes on memory size
- When importing an earlier-version repository, you need a large amount of memory. Therefore, use the following procedure to check whether the memory size is sufficient. If the memory is insufficient, increase the memory size before importing the repository.
- From the Eclipse menu, select Window and then Preferences.
- Select General in the tree view on the left side of the dialog box.
- Select the Show heap status check box on the right side of the dialog box.
- Select the recycle bin icon on the bottom right of the Eclipse window, and then run the garbage collector.
- Check the heap size shown to the left of the recycle bin icon.
- If the amount of unused heap memory is insufficient, edit the eclipse.ini file to increase the memory size specified in -Xmx. For details about how to edit eclipse.ini, see Appendixes B.1 Installation in the Application Server Application Development Guide.
To perform actual operations by using the repository information imported into the development environment, export this repository information from the development environment to the operation environment, and deploy the HCSC components from the operation environment.
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