uCosminexus Service Platform, Basic Development Guide


6.6.7 Relating repeat process of each element by setting up the linkage path

For relating each element not depending on repetition, with the element depending on repetition and transform the same, you must set linkage path in Repeat function.

This section describes the method for setting up linkage path in Repeat function, displaying linkage path and transformation example using linkage path.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Setting up the linkage path
(2) Displaying linkage path
(3) Transformation example using the linkage path

(1) Setting up the linkage path

You can link the repeat process of each element at transformation source by setting up the linkage path in Repeat function.

A path that is target of repeat linkage must fulfill the following conditions:

Set up the linkage path by the following procedure.

  1. Display Repeat dialog, with either of the following methods.
    • Right click Repeat function and select Settings.
    • Double click the Repeat function.
    For details on Repeat dialog, see "1.6.5 Loop Settings Dialog " in "Service Platform Reference Guide".
  2. Click Add node button of Linkage path.
    Node selection dialog is displayed.
  3. Select elements to be linked and click OK button.
    Path of the selected elements is displayed in Linkage path. For specifying multiple linkage paths, repeat steps. 2~3.
  4. Click OK button of Repeat dialog.
    Linkage path is set up.

(2) Displaying linkage path

The set linkage path is displayed in the Mapping viewer and Property viewer.

In the Mapping viewer, Mapping line [Figure] (Repeat linkage line) is displayed from linkage path to Repeat function. Color of Mapping line is same as Repeat support line. For details on how to change the color of mapping line, see "1.12.5 Changing the Mapping Line Color " in "Service Platform Reference Guide".

You can cancel the mapping (linkage) by deleting Repeat linkage line from Mapping viewer. For details on how to cancel mapping, see "6.4.5 Canceling Mapping".

Following figure shows the display example of repeat linkage line.

Figure 6-37 FigureDisplay example of repeat linkage line


(3) Transformation example using the linkage path

Following figure shows the transformation example of Repeat function using linkage path.