uCosminexus Service Platform, Basic Development Guide
The applicability of service components that use Web services is as follows:
Table 2-10 Mapping between the prefix and name space URI
Prefix | Name space URI |
wsdl | http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/ |
xsd | http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema |
soap | http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/ |
soap12 | http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap12/ |
This section separately describes pre-requisite specifications for service components that use Web services, for SOAP1.1 mode and for SOAP1.1/1.2 combined mode.
SOAP message is configured with SOAP header and SOAP body. SOAP header includes additional information (such as identification information) of message and SOAP body includes the actual message.
In service components that use Web services, following conditions must be fulfilled as the format of SOAP message.
Also, in service platform having version prior to 08-53, you can create SOAP adapter based on WSDL that defines soap:header element, but soap:header element is ignored.
This section describes WSDL description format and notes when defining WSDL, when using SOAP1.1 mode. For support range of WSDL1.1 specifications, see "2.6.1(5) Support range of WSDL1.1 specifications".
wsdl:types element defines the information related to types used in SOAP message. Describe wsdl:types element according to the following rules.
xsd:schema element describes XML schema. Describe xsd:schema element as the child element of wsdl:types element. For the rules applicable when describing XML schema, see "2.6.5 Scoping of XML schema".
wsdl:import element is to be defined when importing WSDL. Describe wsdl:import element as a child element of wsdl:definitions element. Describe wsdl:import element according to the following rules:
soap:binding element defines SOAP binding. Describe soap:binding element according to the following rules.
Describe wsdl:operation element according to the following rules:
soap:operation element defines the operation information in SOAP binding. Describe soap:operation element according to the following rules:
soap:body element defines messages under soap:body element of SOAP message. Describe soap:body element according to the following rules.
When style attribute is "document", you can specify parts attribute but it is ignored.
wsdl:fault element defines fault. Describe wsdl:fault element according to the following rules:
soap:fault element defines messages under detail child element included in soap:fault element of SOAP message. Describe soap:fault element according to the following rules:
soap:header element defines messages under soap:header element of SOAP message. Describe soap:header element according to the following rules:
wsdl:service element defines SOAP services. Specify only 1 wsdl:port element in 1 wsdl:service element. You cannot describe 2 or more elements.
When you use SOAP1.1/1.2 combined mode, describe WSDL with reference of "4.3.1 Creating WSDL file" in "Application Server Web Service Development Guide".
However, contents described in "4.3.1 Creating WSDL file" in "Application Server Web Services Development Guide" differ with operations of service platform in some aspects. This section describes notes at the time of defining WSDL, when using SOAP1.1/1.2 combined mode.
WSDL definition style is document/literal.
If name attribute of wsdl:port element gets duplicated, error occurs. Specify unique name attribute in entire WSDL.
When you define schema as child element of wsdl:types element, describe comments by using xsd:annotation.
Also, JAXB namespace "http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jaxb" is added to the namespace declaration of message format created from WSDL in the service adapter.
Describe name attribute of wsdl:operation element with less than 255 bytes.
When you use SOAP communication base in service components, match name attribute of wsdl:fault element with name element of xsd:element referred by wsdl:part element.
Table 2-11 Warnings (errors) occurring due to Basic Profile-based validation
No. | Warning message ID | Corresponding error ID | Occurrence condition |
1 | KDJW51209-W | KDJW51208-E | This warning occurs when you describe namespace attribute in soap:body element. |
2 | KDJW51211-W | KDJW51210-E | This warning occurs when you describe namespace attribute in soap:fault element. |
3 | KDJW51213-W | KDJW51212-E | This warning occurs when you describe wsdl:required attribute in extended element. |
Following table shows the support range of WSDL1.1 specifications when using SOAP1.1 mode.
For support range of WSDL 1.1 specifications when using SOAP1.1/1.2 combined mode, see "20.1 Support range of WSDL 1.1 specifications" in "Application Server Web Service Development Guide".
Table 2-12 Support range of the WSDL1.1 specifications
Classification | Support | Remarks | |
Major classification | Minor classification | ||
Service definition: WSDL document structure | Document Naming and Linking | Y | Has description about scoping of namespace |
Authoring Style(acquisition of components by import element) | Y | Has description about acquisition by import element of other file | |
Language Extensibility and Binding | N | Has description about deploying wsdl:required attribute | |
Documentation | Y | Has description about comments in the element. | |
Service definition: wsdl:types | Y | Has description about data types that are handled | |
Service definition: wsdl:message | Y | Has description about logical definition of message | |
Service definition: Port type | One-way Operation | N | Has description about one way operations of the message. |
Request-response Operation | Y | Has description about request/response operations of the message. | |
Solicit-response Operation | N | Has description about send request/response operations of the message. | |
Notification Operation | N | Has description about notification operation of the message. | |
Names of Elements within an Operation | Y | Shows name attribute of input and output element. You cannot perform overload. Name must be unique in WSDL. | |
Parameter Order within an Operation | Y | Has description about order of parameter within operation. You can specify list of parameters according to parameterOrder attribute. | |
Service definition: wsdl:binding | Y | Has description about the definition of details on message format and protocol. | |
Service definition: wsdl:port | Y | Has description about physical definition of services. | |
Service definition: wsdl:service | Y | Has description about position of services. You cannot have correspondence of multiple SOAP services to a single WSDL. | |
SOAP binding | soap:binding | Y | Has description about binding of SOAP format |
soap:operation | Y | Has description about information of SOAP operation in SOAP message | |
soap:body | Y | Has description about display method of message part of SOAP body within SOAP message. You can describe parts attributes but it is ignored. | |
soap:fault | Y | Has description about contents of SOAP fault within SOAP message. | |
soap:header | Y | Has description about contents in SOAP header element within SOAP message. | |
soap:headerfault | N | ||
soap:address | Y | Has description about address of port element | |
MIME binding | mime:content | N | Has description about MIME type |
mime:multipartRelated | N | Optional set of MIME parts has been consolidated. | |
mime:part | N | Has description about each MIME part. | |
mime:mimeXml | N | Has description about XML payload having specific schema. It does not conform to SOAP. |
Even if it is set (setting up "Session", "Application" in DeployScope) to maintain session between execution environment and service components of service platform, you cannot perform stateful calling. It is always calling in "Request" in service platform.
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