uCosminexus Service Platform, Basic Development Guide
A service requester that sends request messages to a user-defined reception (Web services) communicates with the user-defined reception using SOAP. The service requester sends a service component execution request message to a user-defined reception, and an HCSC server performs service component execution.
The interface information of the user-defined reception (Web services) becomes the WSDL specified when you define the user-defined reception in the development environment. You generate a stub from the WSDL and use the stub to send a request to the user-defined reception (Web services).
The following figure shows the relationship between a service requester that sends requests to a user-defined reception (Web Services) and an HCSC server:
Figure 8-31 Relationship between a service requester that sends requests to a user-defined reception (Web services) and an HCSC server
For a service requester that uses JAX-WS engine for communication, a service class is created instead of a stub. For details about how to create a service requester for a JAX-WS engine, see 8.7.7 Procedure for creating a service requester (User-defined Reception (Web Service)) (JAX-WS engine).
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