Part 1: Description
4.1 Script Manager dialog boxes
4.1.8 Set Execution Environment (Start Information) dialog box
4.1.9 Set Execution Environment (Terminate Information) dialog box
4.1.10 Set Execution Environment (Trace Information) dialog box
4.1.13 Set Execution Environment (Working Folder) dialog box
4.1.15 Set Execution Environment (Terminate Time) dialog box
4.1.16 Set Execution Environment (Trace Output Folder) dialog box
4.1.17 Set Execution Environment (User Trace Information) dialog box
4.2 Script Editor dialog boxes
4.4 Script Menu Editor dialog boxes
Part 2: Reference
8.3 Commands for manipulating strings
8.3.2 InArray (find the position of a string in an array variable)
8.3.4 LCase (convert one-byte alphabetic characters to lowercase)
8.3.5 UCase (convert one-byte alphabetic characters to uppercase)
8.3.6 Left (return characters from the left side of a string)
8.3.8 Right (return characters from the right side of a string)
8.3.12 Trim (remove leading and trailing spaces from a string)
8.3.16 AddStr (concatenate strings with delimiters inserted)
8.3.17 SeparateStrCount (count the number of separate strings)
8.3.23 IsSingleChar (check whether a string is one-byte characters)
8.3.24 IsMultiChar (check whether a string is two-byte characters)
8.5 Commands for managing files and folders
8.5.8 TextSeek (move the read/write position to the file beginning or end)
8.5.9 GetTextPosition (return the current read/write position)
8.5.16 SetFileAttribute or SetFileAttr (set folder or file attributes)
8.5.17 GetFileAttribute or GetFileAttr (get folder or file attributes)
8.5.21 GetVersionInfo or GetVerInfo (get version information for a file)
8.5.24 SetStandardFile or SetStdFile (set the standard input, output, or error file)
8.5.25 ResetStandardFile or ResetStdFile (reset the standard input, output, or error file)
8.5.30 SetVolumeLabel or SetVolLabel (set a disk volume label)
8.5.31 GetVolumeLabel or GetVolLabel (get a disk volume label)
8.8 Commands for performing calculations
8.8.1 + operator (addition) (find the sum of two expressions)
8.8.2 += operator (addition) (assign to a variable the sum of a variable and an expression)
8.8.3 - operator (subtraction and negation) (find the difference between two numbers)
8.8.5 Mod operator (remainder calculation) (find the division remainder of two numbers)
8.8.7 * operator (multiplication) (find the product of two numbers)
8.8.9 / operator (division) (find the quotient of two numbers)
8.8.10 /= operator (division) (assign to a variable the quotient of a variable and an expression)
8.8.11 \ operator (integer division) (find the quotient of two numbers)
8.8.14 ^= operator (power) (assign to a variable a variable raised to the power of an expression)
8.8.15 Comparison operators (=, <>, <, <=, >, >=) (compare two expressions)
8.8.16 And operator (logical AND) (find the logical AND of two expressions)
8.8.17 Or operator (logical OR) (find the logical OR of two expressions)
8.8.18 Not operator (logical NOT) (find the logical NOT of an expression)