
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Script Description and Reference (For Windows Systems)

3.7.1 Starting Process Viewer

To display the Script Process Viewer window, double-click the Process Viewer icon or choose Tools, Start Process Viewer in the Manager window.

Figure 3-8 shows the Script Process Viewer window.

Figure 3‒8: Script Process Viewer window


Organization of this subsection

(1) Computer name

Specify the computer to be connected. Choose Select, and then select a computer name from the displayed dialog box. If an error occurs during connection, an error message appears. A blank client area indicates that connection failed and the system is unconnected. The names of computers that were connected previously remain in the list box as a log.

(2) Client area

The client area lists information about script files (processes) running on the connected computer.

File name

Lists the script file names of active script processes. For example, the executable file called by the NetExec command is displayed in the form NetExec - file-name.


Shows the execution status of the script process as either of the following:

Now executing: The process is now running.

Now terminating: The process is now terminating.


Process ID of the script process.

Start date

Start date of the script process, displayed in the form mm/dd (mm: month; dd: day).

Start time

Start time of the script process, displayed in the form HH:MM:SS (HH: hour; MM: minute; SS: second).

Operating time

Time taken for the script process to run since the start time, displayed in the form HH:MM:SS (HH: hour; MM: minute; SS: second).

Start type

Start type of the script process as either of the following:

Logon: Started in the Logon space.

Service: Started in the Service space.


Folder name of the script file (current folder).

The Script Process Viewer window contains the following buttons:


Sets the interval for refreshing the process view in the client area. Set 1 to 60 seconds.

Terminate Process

Terminates a script file (process) running on the connected computer.

From the client area, select a process you want to terminate, and then click Terminate Process. A dialog box for terminating the JP1/Script process appears. Choose Yes to terminate the process you selected.

If you want to disable this button, set the value 1 in the following registry key:

Registry key


Value name


Value datatype



0: Enables the Terminate Process button.

1: Disables the Terminate Process button.

When the setting takes effect

The setting takes effect the next time Process Viewer is started.


Closes the Script Process Viewer window.


Displays the online help for the Script Process Viewer window.