8.8.9 / operator (division) (find the quotient of two numbers)
- Purpose
Finds the quotient of two numbers and returns an integer (same as the \ operator).
- Syntax
Result = Number1 / Number2
- Arguments
- Result
Specify a variable for storing the quotient of the two numbers.
- Number1
Write any numerical expression.
- Number2
Write any numerical expression.
- Description
The / operator divides Number1 by Number2, and returns the quotient as the result.
Expressions with Empty values are handled as zero.
- Note
When Result and Number1 are the same variable, you can use the /= operator instead.
- Example
' This code stores 2 in variables result1 and result2. result1 = 14 / 7 result2 = 19 / 7
- JP1/Script version
Supported from JP1/Script 01-00.