
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Script Description and Reference (For Windows Systems)

5.2.3 Troubleshooting Trace Viewer problems

Table 5-3 describes the problems you may encounter when using Trace Viewer and the actions you should take.

Table 5‒3: Troubleshooting Trace Viewer problems




When connection is established with another computer from Trace Viewer, the message Trace Viewer server is not running or is not responding is displayed.

JP1/Script is not installed on the connection target computer.

Install JP1/Script on the connection target computer, and then restart Windows.

The JP1/Script service has not started on the connection target computer.

Start the JP1/Script service on the connection target computer.

A logical host name (logical IP address) was specified as the connection target computer, but failover occurred at the logical host.

Specify a physical host name (physical IP address), not a logical host name (logical IP address), as the connection target computer.

If you specify a logical host name as the connection target computer, register JP1/Script into the cluster.