8.3.11 RTrim (remove trailing spaces from a string)
- Purpose
Returns a string with the trailing spaces removed.
- Syntax
RTrim (String [, Option])
- Arguments
- String
Specify the string itself or a variable that stores this value.
If no trailing spaces are found in the specified string, the command returns the entire string.
- Option
Specify the following optional value:
Remove all trailing spaces.
- Description
If you omit the Option argument, the RTrim command returns a string with one-byte trailing spaces removed.
If you specify Twice in Option, both one-byte and two-byte trailing spaces are removed.
- Example
' Store " ABC DEFG" in variable string1. Dim string1 string1 = RTrim (" ABC DEFG ", Twice)
- JP1/Script version
Supported from JP1/Script 05-00.