8.13.3 Beep (sound a beep from the speakers)
- Purpose
Sounds a beep from the speakers for a specified time.
- Syntax
Beep ([Frequency] [, Time])
- Arguments
- Frequency
Specify the beep frequency as a number (Hz) or as a variable that stores this value. You can specify a value in the range 37 to 32,767.
This value is optional. If you omit this value, 440 Hz is assumed.
- Time
Specify the length of the beep in milliseconds as a numeric value beginning from 0 or as a variable that stores this value.
This value is optional. If you omit this value, 100 milliseconds is assumed.
- Description
The Beep command sounds a beep from the speakers.
- Important note
Depending on the OS and hardware environment, the Beep command might not sound a beep, or might cause one of the following errors:
0001: The function is not correct.
0002: The system cannot find the specified file.
0005: Access was denied. Review and, if necessary, correct file attributes or security settings.
1722: The RPC server cannot be used.
Before you attempt to use the Beep command, check the command behavior in the execution environment. If the command does not sound a beep or causes an error, take the following actions.
(1) Execute the IMEventMessage command to display a message on the JP1/IM event console.
Example: IMEventMessage( "An error occurred", Error )
(2) To execute the Beep command in the service space, you must first create a script that executes the Beep command. Then use the NetExec command with the logon space specified to call the script that executes the Beep command. Note, however, that this operation is possible only when a command sounds a beep in the execution environment for the logon space.
- Example
Beep (300, 200)
- JP1/Script version
Supported from JP1/Script 01-00.