
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Script Description and Reference (For Windows Systems)

5.5.1 Data collection tool

Organization of this subsection

(1) Preparing the data collection tool

The data collection tool is the Sptras file stored in the Tools\EngUS folder in the installation folder. Use Explorer or its equivalent to copy the Sptras file to any folder. Then, change the extension of the copy of the file to .bat. Note that you need to edit the references to the installation folder and Data folder in the Sptras.bat file by using an editor according to the instructions in the Sptras file. Do not, however, enclose the folders with double quotation marks (").

If you have changed the log output destination or other settings, you must also change the contents of the Sptras file according to the instructions in the Sptras file. Again, do not enclose the folders with double quotation marks (").

(2) Executing the data collection tool

Execute the data collection tool as follows:


The execution results of the data collection tool are output to %TEMP%\jp1script by default. Collect the information in this folder. If a file containing the execution results of the batch file already exists, a message asking you whether you want to overwrite the information appears. Enter y in response to the message.

Important note

Before you execute the batch file of the data collection tool, use Script Viewer to confirm that no script file is being executed. In addition, do not execute any scripts until the data collection tool terminates.

(3) Information acquired by the data collection tool

The following table shows the information acquired by the data collection tool and lists the names of the folders or files to which the information is output.

Table 5‒8: Information acquired by the data collection tool and output destinations

Information collected by the data collection tool

Information is output to:

List of files in the JP1/Script installation folder


hosts file


services file


JP1/Script registry information


OS version, Windows environment variable information, and IP configuration information


All information in the JP1/Script installation folder

Backup (folder)

Maintenance log file

Backup\MaintenanceLog (folder)