
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Script Description and Reference (For Windows Systems)

8.3.20 Format (convert a value to a formatted string)


Returns a specified value as a formatted string.

Format (Form, Arg1 [, Arg2, ...])

Specify the format into which Arg1 to Arg32 are to be converted. Write a character string or a variable that stores this value.

Each character specified in Form is represented as is, and the % symbol shows where the formatting specification starts.

Form can be any combination of the following:




Represent numbers as decimals.


Represent numbers as hexadecimals (lowercase).


Represent numbers as hexadecimals (uppercase).


Represent numbers as octals.


Represent strings as is.


Represent a single character as it is.

If any of the values in Arg1 to Arg32 consist of two or more characters, the first character is represented.

%5d, %10s, etc.

Specify the maximum number of digits to be formatted.


Pad the value with leading zeros if it has fewer than the specified maximum number of digits to be formatted.

%-5d, %-10s, etc.

Left-justify the value.

To enter % as the character itself, not as the formatting indicator, type %%.

Arg1 to Arg32

Specify each value to be formatted as a string, number, or as a variable that stores this value. You can specify multiple values in the same order as the format designations in Form.


The Format command returns a specified value as a string.

' Convert the value of global variable seqNo to a five-digit
' decimal number padded with leading zeros, and pass it to
' executable file ABC.EXE as a parameter.
' For example, if the value seqNo is "1", pass parameter
' "00001".
Dim numID, strID
numID = GetGV ("seqNo")
If IsEmpty (numID) Then
  numID = 1
End If
strID = Format ("%05d", numID)
Exec (_SCF_+"ABC.EXE", True, strID)
JP1/Script version

Supported from JP1/Script 05-20.