9.7.3 MakeShortcut (create a shortcut)
- Purpose
Creates a shortcut.
- Syntax
MakeShortcut(RootPath, SubPath, LinkPath, [Param], [WorkDirPath], [IconPath], [IconIndex] [, IconFlag])
- Arguments
- RootPath
Specify the location where the shortcut is to be created.
This value is one of the following.
Create in the current executable folder.
Desktop (common group)
Start menu (common group)#1
Program (common group)#2
Startup (common group)#3
Desktop (user-specific group)
Start menu (user-specific group)#1
Program (user-specific group)#2
Startup (user-specific group)#3
#1 Windows Start menu
#2 Windows Start, and then Programs
#3 Windows Start, Programs, and then Startup
If you specify Lcl_Desktop, Lcl_Startmenu, Lcl_Program, or Lcl_Startup, execute the script file as a user who has administrator permissions. For details, see 1.8.2 Command behavior.
- SubPath
Specify the shortcut name as a character string or as a variable that stores this value.
If you set Lcl_Program or Cur_Program as the shortcut location in RootPath, specify the shortcut name in the following form:
- LinkPath
Specify the path to the executable file that the shortcut points to. Write a character string or a variable that stores this value.
- Param
Specify the necessary parameters for executing the file specified in LinkPath. Write each parameter as a string, or specify a variable that stores this value.
- WorkDirPath
Specify the work folder name as a character string or as a variable that stores this value.
This value is optional. If you omit this value, the folder of the path specified in LinkPath is assumed.
- IconPath
Specify the name of the icon file containing the icons used for shortcuts. Write the path as a character string or as a variable that stores this value.
This value is optional. If you omit this value, the path specified in LinkPath is assumed.
- IconIndex
Specify the index number of the icon inside the icon file specified in IconPath. Specify 0 or a number, or a variable that stores this value.
This value is optional. If you omit this value, 0 is assumed.
- IconFlag
Specify how to display the window when the shortcut is activated. Set one of the following values:
Normal window
Minimized into a button in the task bar
Maximized to full-screen size
This value is optional. If you omit this value, Normal is assumed.
- Description
The MakeShortcut command creates a specified shortcut. The command returns True on successful execution, or False if an error occurs.
If you specify a shortcut that already exists, the command deletes and recreates the shortcut with the specified parameters.
- Example
' Create shortcut "ABC.SPT" to be launched at ' Windows 7 startup If _OS_ = "WIN_NT6.1" Then MakeShortcut(Cur_Startup, "ABC", _BIN_+"ABC.SPT" _ , , , _TEMP_, , , Min) End If
- JP1/Script version
Supported from JP1/Script 05-20.