For Windows Systems

Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution

Setup Guide



Summary of amendments

1. Overview of JP1/Software Distribution Installation
1.1 Supported OSs and organization of components
1.1.1 Supported OSs
1.1.2 Organization of components
1.2 Installing JP1/Software Distribution
1.2.1 Procedure for a new installation of JP1/Software Distribution
1.2.2 Installing JP1/Software Distribution by overwriting
1.2.3 Using the pre-installation facility to install JP1/Software Distribution Client (client)
1.2.4 Using an installation set to install JP1/Software Distribution Client (client)
1.2.5 Notes on using the remote installation facility to distribute JP1/Software Distribution
1.3 Changing installation settings
1.4 Uninstalling JP1/Software Distribution
1.4.1 Uninstallation procedures
1.4.2 Precautions about uninstallation

2. Installing JP1/Software Distribution Manager
2.1 How to install JP1/Software Distribution Manager
2.1.1 Logging on
2.1.2 Starting the installer
2.1.3 Registering the user
2.1.4 Specifying the installation directory
2.1.5 Selecting the manager type
2.1.6 Selecting the database
2.1.7 Selecting the components
2.1.8 Selecting the program folder
2.1.9 Specifying work directories
2.1.10 Setting up the database
2.1.11 Setting the package storage directory
2.1.12 Setting the software operation history storage directory
2.1.13 Specifying the network connection settings
2.1.14 Setting up services
2.1.15 Specifying the ID key for operations
2.1.16 Setting the number of subsystems that can be connected simultaneously
2.1.17 Setting user management
2.1.18 Specifying the connection destination (Remote Installation Manager)
2.1.19 Setting up AMT Linkage
2.1.20 Setting the virtual directory for Asset Information Manager Subset
2.1.21 Setting up WSUS Linkage
2.1.22 Specifying the connection destination (Packager)
2.1.23 Setting up OpenView Linkage
2.1.24 Setting up the OpenView gateway server
2.1.25 Checking the Notes for the Remote Control Agent
2.1.26 Confirming the installation
2.1.27 Finishing the installation
2.2 Installing Remote Installation Manager
2.3 Installing Asset Information Manager Subset
2.4 Installing JP1/Software Distribution on a WSUS server
2.5 Installing JP1/Software Distribution Manager in HP Network Node Manager

3. Installing JP1/Software Distribution Client
3.1 How to install JP1/Software Distribution Client
3.1.1 Logging on
3.1.2 Starting the installer
3.1.3 Registering the user
3.1.4 Specifying the installation directory
3.1.5 Selecting the type
3.1.6 Selecting the components
3.1.7 Selecting the program folder
3.1.8 Specifying work directories
3.1.9 Specifying the connection destination
3.1.10 Specifying the ID key for operations
3.1.11 Setting the network
3.1.12 Specifying the dial-up settings
3.1.13 Specifying options
3.1.14 Setting up AMT Linkage
3.1.15 Specifying the connection destination (Packager)
3.1.16 Checking the Notes for the Remote Control Agent
3.1.17 Confirming the installation
3.1.18 Finishing the installation
3.2 Handling JP1/Software Distribution Client installation errors

4. Setting Up JP1/Software Distribution Manager
4.1 JP1/Software Distribution Manager setup procedure
4.2 Setting up the server
4.2.1 Database Environment page
4.2.2 Communication page
4.2.3 Dial-up page
4.2.4 Server Customization page
4.2.5 Multicast Distribution page
4.2.6 Log Options page
4.2.7 System Configuration page
4.2.8 ID Key for Operations page
4.2.9 Cluster Settings page
4.2.10 OpenView Linkage page
4.2.11 Event Service page
4.2.12 Error Handling page
4.2.13 Client Alert page
4.2.14 Operation Monitoring page
4.2.15 Network Connection page
4.2.16 CSC Linkage page
4.2.17 WSUS Linkage page
4.2.18 Directory Linkage page
4.2.19 AIM page
4.2.20 AMT Linkage page
4.2.21 Audit Log page
4.3 Specifying the basic settings for relay managers
4.3.1 Connection Destination page
4.3.2 Report To Higher System page
4.4 Specifying the detailed settings for relay managers
4.5 Setting up hp OpenView Linkage
4.5.1 Connected Software Distribution Manager page
4.5.2 Port Number page
4.6 Registry settings (JP1/Software Distribution Manager)

5. Setting Up JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system)
5.1 JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system) setup procedure
5.2 Specifying the basic settings for relay systems
5.2.1 Connection Destination page
5.2.2 Communication page
5.2.3 Dial-up page
5.2.4 Relay System Customization page
5.2.5 Report To Higher System page
5.2.6 Multicast Distribution page
5.2.7 System Configuration page
5.2.8 ID Key for Operations page
5.2.9 Event Service page
5.2.10 Remote Installation Manager page
5.2.11 Client Alert page
5.2.12 AMT Linkage page
5.3 Specifying the detailed settings for relay systems
5.4 Registry settings (JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system))

6. Setting Up JP1/Software Distribution Client (client)
6.1 JP1/Software Distribution Client (client) setup procedure
6.2 Setting up Client
6.2.1 Connection Destination page
6.2.2 Processing message page
6.2.3 Notification Dialog box page
6.2.4 Default Running Status/Polling page
6.2.5 Dial-up page
6.2.6 Communication page
6.2.7 Retry Communication page
6.2.8 Error Handling page
6.2.9 System Monitoring page
6.2.10 Job Options page
6.2.11 Installation Options page
6.2.12 Remote Collect Options page
6.2.13 Multicast Distribution page
6.2.14 Startup page
6.2.15 Setup Protection page
6.2.16 Security page (for Windows NT)
6.3 Registry settings (JP1/Software Distribution Client (client))

7. Setting Up a Relational Database
7.1 Required programs and system configuration
7.1.1 Required programs
7.1.2 System configuration
7.2 Notes on using a relational database
7.3 Setting up the relational database environment
7.3.1 Setting up an environment for Embedded RDB
7.3.2 Setting up an environment for Microsoft SQL Server
7.3.3 Setting up an environment for Oracle
7.4 How to use Database Manager (for Embedded RDB)
7.4.1 Creating a new database
7.4.2 Transferring data to a relational database
7.4.3 Upgrading the database
7.4.4 Backing up the database
7.4.5 Recovering the database from a backup
7.4.6 Reorganizing the database
7.4.7 Changing the database password
7.4.8 Deleting unneeded inventory information from the database
7.5 How to use Database Manager (for Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle)
7.5.1 Creating a new database
7.5.2 Transferring administration file from the file system
7.5.3 Transferring resources from the database to the file system (Microsoft SQL Server)
7.5.4 Upgrading the database
7.5.5 Recovering the database (Microsoft SQL Server)
7.5.6 Deleting unneeded inventory information from the database
7.6 Using data partitions to store operation monitoring history
7.6.1 Procedure for creating data partitions
7.6.2 Procedure for adding data partitions
7.6.3 Procedure for reassigning data partitions
7.6.4 For large users

8. Creating System Configuration Information and Destination Groups
8.1 Creating system configuration information
8.1.1 Different methods for creating system configuration information
8.1.2 Assigning host names in a JP1/Software Distribution system
8.1.3 Creating the system configuration information automatically
8.1.4 Creating the system configuration information from a file
8.1.5 Creating system configuration information in the System Configuration window
8.1.6 Getting system configuration information about hosts under relay managers
8.1.7 Changing system configuration information
8.1.8 Notes on creating system configuration information
8.2 Creating host groups
8.2.1 Methods of creating host groups
8.2.2 How to assign group names
8.2.3 Creating a host group from a file
8.2.4 Creating a host group in the Destination window
8.2.5 Changing host groups
8.2.6 Example of creating host group information
8.3 Creating ID groups
8.3.1 ID group operations
8.3.2 Creating an ID group
8.3.3 How to register clients
8.3.4 Editing an ID group
8.3.5 Notes on using ID groups
8.4 Linking system configuration information and ID group information
8.4.1 Requirements for linking system configuration information and ID group information
8.4.2 Examples of linkage between system configuration information and ID group information
8.4.3 Notes on linking system configuration information and ID groups
8.4.4 Handling when automatic notification from the relay managing the ID is delayed

9. Maintaining System Configuration Information and Destination Groups
9.1 Maintaining the system configuration information manually
9.1.1 Finding hosts by name
9.1.2 Finding hosts by date
9.1.3 Finding duplicate hosts
9.1.4 Copying a found host into the Destination window
9.1.5 Deleting a host from the system configuration information
9.1.6 Examples of maintaining the system configuration information manually
9.2 Automatic maintenance of system configuration information
9.2.1 Automatically deleting unupdated clients
9.2.2 Automatically deleting duplicate clients
9.2.3 Log files for automatic maintenance of the system configuration information
9.2.4 Notes on automatic maintenance of the system configuration information
9.3 Automatic maintenance of host groups
9.3.1 Setting a policy for host groups
9.3.2 Applying policies to all host groups
9.3.3 Example of grouping using user inventory items
9.4 Automatic maintenance of ID groups
9.4.1 Setting a policy for an ID group
9.4.2 Notes on using automatic maintenance of ID groups
9.5 Creating a policy from a file
9.5.1 How to input and output an automatic maintenance policy file
9.5.2 How to edit an automatic maintenance policy file
9.5.3 Example of policy creation
9.6 Managing the deletion history of system configuration information
9.6.1 Displaying deletion history
9.6.2 Outputting deletion history to a CSV file
9.6.3 Restoring a deleted host to the system configuration information
9.6.4 Deleting deletion history
9.7 Detecting hosts on which JP1/Software Distribution is not installed
9.7.1 Conditions for detecting hosts on which JP1/Software Distribution is not installed
9.7.2 How to detect hosts on which JP1/Software Distribution is not installed
9.7.3 Manipulating the Detection of Hosts Not Containing Software Distribution dialog box
9.7.4 Detecting hosts on which JP1/Software Distribution is not installed
9.7.5 Updating the detection results
9.7.6 Setting a host as a non-detection target
9.7.7 Exporting the detection results to a CSV file
9.7.8 Creating a network configuration information file

10. Settings Required for Using Asset Information Manager Subset
10.1 Setting up Asset Information Manager Subset
10.2 Setting up the server for Asset Information Manager Subset
10.2.1 Setting database information
10.2.2 Setting the session information
10.2.3 Setting the basic information
10.2.4 Setting the link with Directory Server
10.2.5 Setting the link with JP1/SD
10.2.6 Setting how to assign inventory information
10.3 Setting up the Asset Information Manager Subset database
10.3.1 Creating a new database
10.3.2 Upgrading the database
10.3.3 Backing up the database as CSV files
10.3.4 Restoring the CSV database files
10.3.5 Backing up the database in an Embedded RDB environment
10.3.6 Restoring the database in an Embedded RDB environment
10.3.7 Reorganizing the database in an Embedded RDB environment
10.3.8 Creating a data source or a net service
10.4 Setting the virtual directory
10.5 Setting the services used by Asset Information Manager Subset
10.6 Settings for using Microsoft Internet Information Services 6.0 or later
10.6.1 Setting the Web server (for Microsoft Internet Information Services 6.0)
10.6.2 Setting the Web server (for Microsoft Internet Information Services 7.0)
10.7 Setting the tasks that are registered in Task Scheduler
10.7.1 Types of tasks
10.7.2 Specifying the work to be performed by the Data maintenance task
10.7.3 Specifying the types of history information to be deleted and the deletion timing
10.7.4 Acquiring all inventory information
10.7.5 Task setup procedure
10.7.6 Acquiring directory information
10.8 Setting for summing the operation logs by group
10.8.1 Using IP addresses
10.8.2 Using the user inventory information
10.8.3 Setting a group name to a device
10.9 Inventory information that can be displayed by Asset Information Manager Subset
10.9.1 Inventory information that can be acquired as asset information
10.9.2 Inventory information that can be acquired as hardware information
10.9.3 Inventory information that can be acquired as network information
10.9.4 Inventory information that can be acquired as installed software information
10.9.5 Inventory information that can be acquired as installed software list
10.9.6 Inventory information that can be acquired as component information
10.9.7 Inventory information that can be acquired as patch information
10.9.8 Inventory information that can be acquired as a patch list
10.9.9 Inventory information that can be acquired as virus definition information
10.9.10 Inventory information that can be acquired as group information
10.9.11 Inventory information that can be acquired as location information
10.10 Link to Active Directory
10.10.1 Login authentication
10.11 Notes on using Asset Information Manager Subset on a 64-bit OS

11. Configuring a JP1/Software Distribution Cluster System
11.1 Constructing a JP1/Software Distribution Cluster System
11.1.1 Programs necessary for creating a cluster system
11.1.2 Creating an environment that enables failover of JP1/Software Distribution
11.1.3 Disabling failover of JP1/Software Distribution
11.1.4 Notes on using a cluster system
11.1.5 How to reconfigure a cluster system environment

A. How to Upgrade and Migrate JP1/Software Distribution
A.1 Upgrading JP1/Software Distribution
A.2 Changing the database type
A.3 Migrating data during OS upgrading
A.4 Migrating data when replacing a PC
A.5 Upgrading the version in a cluster system environment
A.6 Transferring data in a cluster system environment
B. Using JP1/Software Distribution Client (Client) on a Terminal Server
B.1 Limitations when using JP1/Software Distribution Client (client) on a terminal server
B.2 Remotely installing software on a terminal server
B.3 Limitations on using JP1/Software Distribution Client (client) in a Citrix XenApp environment
C. Using JP1/Software Distribution Client (Client) in a Windows XP Mode Environment
C.1 Notes on installation and setup of JP1/Software Distribution Client (client) in a Windows XP Mode environment
C.2 Notes on using JP1/Software Distribution Client (client) in a Windows XP Mode environment
D. Installing and Setting Up HP-UX JP1/Software Distribution Network Node Manager Linkage
D.1 Installing the JP1/Software Distribution Network Node Manager Linkage
D.2 Uninstalling the JP1/Software Distribution Network Node Manager Linkage
D.3 Setting up the JP1/Software Distribution Network Node Manager Linkage
E. Using Internet Options to Install JP1/Software Distribution
E.1 Overview of Internet Options
E.2 Job flow via Internet Options
E.3 Notes on using Internet Options
E.4 System configuration
E.5 Setting up Internet Gateway
E.6 Setting up HTTP Gateway
E.7 Stopping Internet Gateway and HTTP Gateway
F. Query Scripts for Data Partitions
F.1 DropTable.sql query script
F.2 AddFilegroup.sql query script
F.3 AddFiletoEdrive.sql query script
F.4 AddFiletoFdrive.sql query script
F.5 CreatePartition.sql query script
F.6 CreateTable.sql query script
F.7 AddFilegroup2nd.sql query script
F.8 AddFiletoGdrive.sql query script
F.9 AlterPartition.sql query script
F.10 CreateArchTable.sql query script
F.11 SwitchPartition.sql query script
F.12 DropArchTable.sql query script
F.13 MergeRange.sql query script
F.14 AlterPartition2nd.sql query script
F.15 LargeAddFilegroup.sql query script
F.16 LargeAddFile.sql query script
F.17 LargeCreatePartition.sql query script
F.18 LargeAddFilegroup2nd.sql query script
F.19 LargeAddFiletoKdrive.sql query script
F.20 LargeAlterPartition.sql query script
F.21 LargeSwitchPartition.sql query script
F.22 LargeMergeRange.sql query script
F.23 LargeAlterPartition2nd.sql query script
G. Version Changes
H. Glossary
