Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Setup Guide


Appendix A.2 Changing the database type

This section describes how to migrate data and the types of data that can be migrated when you change the type of relational database used in your JP1/Software Distribution system.

You must use the procedure described here in the following cases:

You should note the following when you are using Asset Information Manager Subset:

Organization of this subsection
(1) How to migrate a database
(2) Transferable data

(1) How to migrate a database

To migrate a relational database:

  1. Export the data that is to be transferred from JP1/Software Distribution Manager.
    For details about the data to be transferred, see (2) Transferable data.
  2. Uninstall JP1/Software Distribution Manager.
  3. Install JP1/Software Distribution Manager Embedded RDB Edition.
    Use the installer to set up the database after the change.
  4. Create a database for JP1/Software Distribution Manager Embedded RDB Edition.
  5. Import the data that was exported in step 1.

(2) Transferable data

The following table describes the data that can be transferred to JP1/Software Distribution Manager Embedded RDB Edition and the methods for importing and exporting each type of data:

Transferable data Export method Import method
System configuration information#1 In the System Configuration window, choose File, and then Save to File. In the System Configuration window, choose File, and then Create from File.
Host group In the Destination window, choose File, and then Save to File.
  • In the Destination window, choose File, and then Create from File.
  • In the Destination window, choose File, and then Add from File.#2
ID group In the Destination window, choose File, and then Save ID Hosts to File. In the Destination window, choose File, and then Use File for ID Registration.
Policies for host groups and ID groups In the Policy Setup dialog box, click the Output File button. In the Policy Setup dialog box, click the Add from File button.
Package Execute the dcmpkget command. Execute the dcmpkput command.
Software search list In the List of Software Information window, choose File, and then Save to File. In the List of Software Information window, choose File, and then Create from File.
List of user inventory items In the Define User Inventory dialog box, click the Export button. In the Define User Inventory dialog box, click the Import button.
User inventory information Use the CSV output utility to output the template of user asset information to a CSV file. In the System Information or Destination window, choose File, and then Input from CSV File.
Software inventory Execute the dcmdice command. Execute the dcmdici command.

If managing servers are configured in a hierarchy, the file output at the central manager does not include system configuration information about hosts under relay managers. To obtain system configuration information about hosts under relay managers, output system configuration information to a file at each relay manager.
To restore the system configuration information, import the system configuration information from the relay managers, and then execute a Get system configuration information job from the central manager to the relay managers.

This menu is displayed only in Remote Installation Manager of JP1/Software Distribution Manager.