Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Setup Guide
- (A)
- abbreviations for products
- Accept suspended/resumed file transfer jobs from sources other than the connection destination
- Acquire devices on which JP1/SD is not installed
- acronyms
- Activate OpenView Linkage
- Add Host to ID Group dialog box
- agent
- AIM page
- AIT file
- alert report
- all lower clients
- Allow jobs to be received by multicast distribution
- Allow jobs to be sent by multicast distribution
- relay system setup
- server setup
- Allow the administrator to shut down or restart
- Also report this computer's inventory to the server
- Also report this computer's inventory to the server
- AMT Linkage page
- relay system setup
- AMT Linkage, setting up
- AMT Linkage, setting up
- An interval transfer is done for every transfer unit (server setup)
- application (virtual directory), setting
- application gateway method
- application pool, creating
- for Microsoft Internet Information Services 6.0
- for Microsoft Internet Information Services 7.0
- Apply the system configuration information automatically
- relay system setup
- server setup
- archive
- asset information
- assignment method by working key
- Asset Information Manager Subset
- installing
- notes on executing commands and tasks on 64-bit OS
- on 64-bit OS, notes on installing
- setting up
- setting up database
- setting up server for
- setting virtual directory for
- settings required for using
- Assign key for asset information (Inventory information)
- audit log
- Audit Log page
- authentication server
- Automatic inventory update
- automatic maintenance
- of ID groups
- of ID groups
- of ID groups, notes on using
- automatic maintenance policy file
- automatic maintenance policy file
- how to edit
- how to input
- how to output
- Automatic registration of this computer in the system configuration
- Automatic registration of this computer in the system configuration
- Automatic specification of the higher system that requested job execution as the connection destination
- (B)
- basic information, setting (Asset Information Manager Subset server setup)
- Break down the reason for a starting failure
- business filter
- (C)
- cabinet
- Case sensitivity in LIKE searches (Embedded RDB)
- central manager
- Change Attributes dialog box
- change history
- Change ID Group Attribute dialog box
- Check local disk capacity before unpacking software
- client
- deleting
- deleting duplicate
- deleting duplicate, automatically
- deleting many, notes on
- deleting unneeded
- deleting unupdated, automatically
- managing newly added
- referencing information about deleted
- registered in ID group, deleting
- registered in ID group, renaming
- registering, into ID group from relay managing ID
- Client Alert page
- relay system setup
- server setup
- client control facility
- Client starts automatically at system boot
- Client will poll the managing server
- Cluster Settings
- cluster system
- how to reconfigure environment
- notes on using
- programs necessary for creating
- cluster system environment
- transferring data in
- upgrading version in
- Code set
- collected file
- collection script
- Communication page
- client setup
- relay system setup
- server setup
- communication settings (HTTP Gateway)
- Communication-less monitoring time (Session Information)
- component
- can be used (Windows XP Mode)
- organization of
- organization of
- Conditions for assigning asset information 1
- Conditions for assigning asset information 2
- Conditions for assigning asset information a
- Confirm jobs before execution
- Connected Software Distribution Manager page
- connection destination
- client setup
- Internet Gateway
- of client registered in ID group, changing
- of relay system defined as relay managing ID, changing
- specifying (Packager)
- specifying (Packager)
- specifying (Remote Installation Manager)
- Connection Destination page
- client setup
- relay manager setup
- Connection service for JP1/SD database
- controller
- conventions
- abbreviations for products
- acronyms
- diagrams
- fonts and symbols
- KB, MB, GB, and TB
- references to other manuals
- version numbers
- count clients
- Create Destination dialog box
- Create Host dialog box
- Create ID Group dialog box
- CSC Linkage page
- CSC notification count
- (D)
- data based on scale of operations, guidelines for amount of
- Data maintenance task, specifying work to be performed by
- data partition
- procedure for adding
- procedure for creating
- procedure for reassigning
- using
- data source, creating (Asset Information Manager Subset database)
- database
- backing up (Embedded RDB)
- backing up as CSV file (Asset Information Manager Subset database)
- backing up in Embedded RDB environment (Asset Information Manager Subset database)
- capacity, estimating
- changing password (Embedded RDB)
- changing type of
- creating new (Asset Information Manager Subset database)
- creating new (Embedded RDB)
- creating new (Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle)
- deleting unneeded inventory information from
- recovering from backup (Embedded RDB)
- reorganizing (Embedded RDB)
- reorganizing in Embedded RDB environment (Asset Information Manager Subset database)
- restoring CSV files (Asset Information Manager Subset database)
- restoring in Embedded RDB environment (Asset Information Manager Subset database)
- setting up
- upgrading (Asset Information Manager Subset database)
- upgrading (Embedded RDB)
- Database Environment page
- database information, setting (Asset Information Manager Subset server setup)
- database instance, creating
- Database Manager
- Database Manager
- Database Manager
- Database Manager
- Default Running Status/Polling page
- Defining an assignment-exception MAC list
- Delete from System Configuration Information
- Delete package information of the system previously connected to the client
- Delete the work directory for installing Hitachi program products after installation
- deleted software management table
- Deletion cause
- by administrator
- by higher manager
- by uninstallation result
- Deletion history of system configuration information
- Deletion History of System Configuration Information dialog box
- deletion history, managing
- destination, notes on editing
- Detection of Hosts Not Containing Software Distribution dialog box, manipulating
- device operation
- Dial-up page
- client setup
- relay system setup
- server setup
- dial-up settings (HTTP Gateway)
- directory browsing, setting
- directory information
- Directory Linkage page
- Directory Server, setting link with (for Asset Information Manager Subset Server Setup)
- Display Message dialog box
- Display the Update User Information dialog box
- Distribution interval (client setup)
- division
- division information
- Do not repeat package IDs when collecting software information
- domain
- DPTInpt.exe (store patch in database)
- (E)
- Edit ID Group folder
- Embedded RDB
- Error Handling page
- client setup
- server setup
- Event Service page
- relay system setup
- server setup
- example of
- changing connection destination of client registered in ID group
- changing connection destination of relay system defined as relay managing ID
- creating host group information
- deleting client registered in ID group
- deleting duplicate clients
- deleting relay system defined as relay managing ID
- deleting unneeded clients
- grouping using user inventory items (automatic maintenance of host groups)
- host group file
- linkage between system configuration information and ID group information
- maintaining system configuration information manually
- managing newly added clients
- renaming client registered in ID group
- renaming relay system defined as relay managing ID
- system configuration information file
- Execute, in parallel, the receiving of jobs from and the sending of result files to the higher system
- expiration date of package
- (F)
- File transfer buffer size
- firewall
- firewall
- font conventions
- (G)
- GB, meaning of
- Generations of log file to be saved
- Get system configuration information job, how to execute
- glossary
- group information
- group name, setting to device
- grouping using user inventory items (automatic maintenance of host groups), example of
- (H)
- handler mapping, setting
- higher system
- setting up (Internet Gateway)
- higher system address, file for
- Hold new detection results
- host group
- adding from file
- changing
- creating
- creating
- creating, from file
- creating, from file
- creation methods
- editing (deleting, copying, or moving)
- renaming
- setting policy for
- host group configuration, saving to file
- host group file
- creating
- example of
- host group information, creating
- host ID
- notes on using
- using
- host name
- assigning
- changing
- coexisting with systems that do not allow 64 bytes for
- Software Distribution systems that do not allow 64 bytes for
- Host name or IP address
- host on which JP1/Software Distribution is not installed
- host search
- Host Search dialog box, manipulating
- hosts
- changing attributes of
- copying found host into Destination window
- creation date and time
- deleting
- deleting, from system configuration information
- detecting, on which JP1/Software Distribution is not installed
- editing (deleting, copying, or moving)
- finding duplicate
- finding, by date
- finding, by name
- moving
- on which JP1/Software Distribution is not installed
- on which JP1/Software Distribution is not installed, conditions for detecting
- on which JP1/Software Distribution is not installed, how to detect
- registering
- searching
- Hot standby
- How to define the assignment-exception MAC list
- How to resolve IP addresses
- relay system setup
- server setup
- hp OpenView Linkage, setting up
- HP-UX JP1/Software Distribution Network Node Manager Linkage, installing
- HTTP Gateway
- HTTP Gateway
- HTTP Gateway
- checking setup of
- communication settings
- dial-up settings
- installing
- lower system, setting up
- proxy settings
- security settings
- server settings
- service, setting up
- setting up
- setting up
- stopping
- HTTP settings (Internet Gateway)
- (I)
- ID group
- automatic maintenance of
- automatic maintenance of
- automatic maintenance of, notes on using
- changing connection destination of client registered in
- changing relay managing ID
- changing relay managing password
- creating
- creating
- creating, from central manager
- deleting
- deleting registered client from
- deleting registered client from
- deleting, from relay managing ID
- editing
- handling at relay system
- managing same ID group in multiple managing servers
- managing, in relay manager
- notes on using
- operation of
- registering client into, from client
- registering client into, from file
- registering client into, from relay managing ID
- registering, into relay managing ID
- renaming client registered in
- using file to register client into, from managing server
- ID group file, creating
- ID group information
- linking to system configuration information
- linking to system configuration information
- saving, to file
- ID group job
- ID group job
- ID group operation
- in system with managing server hierarchy
- procedure for
- ID Key for Operations page
- relay system setup
- server setup
- ID key for operations, specifying (server installation)
- If requested by the administrator, shut down or restart the computer
- initialization parameter file, tuning
- installation mode
- Installation Options page
- Installation results files failed to transmit to the higher server
- installation script
- installation set
- installation timing
- Installation/file collection job
- installed software information
- installed software list
- InstallShield environment deletion tool
- InstallShield environment deletion tool
- InstallShield timeout
- Internet Gateway
- Internet Gateway
- connection destination
- higher system, setting up
- HTTP settings
- installing
- setting up
- setting up
- stopping
- Internet Options
- installing JP1/Software Distribution using
- job flow via
- notes on system configuration for
- notes on using
- overview of
- Interval transfer (relay system setup)
- inventory
- Inventory acquisition method
- inventory information
- deleting from database
- displayed by Asset Information Manager Subset
- setting how to assign
- inventory information acquired as
- asset information
- component information
- group information
- hardware information
- installed software information
- installed software list
- location information
- network information
- patch information
- patch list
- virus definition information
- Inventory Viewer
- IP address
- changing
- using
- ISAPI filter, setting
- ISAPI restriction, setting
- (J)
- jamdbexport.bat
- jamemb_backup.bat
- jamemb_reorganization.bat
- jamemb_workcomp.exe
- job
- Job hold facility
- Job Options page
- JP1 event
- JP1 user
- JP1/Asset Information Manager
- JP1/Base
- JP1/IM
- JP1/SD database login ID
- JP1/SD, setting link with (Asset Information Manager Subset server setup)
- JP1/Software Distribution
- cluster system, configuring
- installing, by overwriting
- migrating
- new installation of
- not installed, host on which
- notes on using remote installation facility to distribute
- operating systems applicable to
- overview of installing
- precautions about uninstalling
- system configuration for using Internet Options
- uninstalling
- uninstalling
- upgrading
- upgrading
- JP1/Software Distribution Client
- installation procedure for
- installing
- JP1/Software Distribution Client (client)
- components of
- limitations when used on terminal server
- notes on installation and setup of, in Windows XP Mode environment
- notes on using, in Windows XP Mode environment
- setting up
- setup procedure for
- using installation set to install
- using pre-installation facility to install
- JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system)
- components of
- setting up
- setup procedure for
- JP1/Software Distribution Manager
- components of
- installing in HP Network Node Manager
- setting up
- setup procedure for
- JP1/Software Distribution Network Node Manager Linkage
- installing
- setting up
- uninstalling
- (K)
- KB, meaning of
- (L)
- Limitations on using JP1/Software Distribution Client (client) in a Citrix XenApp environment
- Link to Active Directory
- Linkage when system configuration is changed
- relay system setup
- server setup
- Local System Viewer
- Log information
- Log Options page
- login authentication
- Login ID (Database Information)
- lower system, setting up (HTTP Gateway)
- (M)
- MAC address for dial up connection
- Maintain the installation history in case an error occurs during installation of the package
- maintenance wizard
- Manage device change log information
- managing server
- Max. number of relays or clients in which jobs can execute concurrently
- Max. number of subsystems in which jobs can execute concurrently
- Maximum cache size for the management file
- Maximum lines in a log file
- Maximum retry count
- Maximum retry count
- MB, meaning of
- Microsoft Internet Information Services
- 6.0 or later, settings for using
- notes on settings
- Microsoft SQL Server
- data cache to estimate memory allocation in
- procedure cache consisting of execution plans of
- setting access permissions in relational database
- setting memory allocation to design relational database of
- setting transaction log
- tuning database environment to design relational database of
- tuning environment setting option to design relational database of
- migrating
- data during OS upgrading
- data for JP1/Software Distribution Client
- data for JP1/Software Distribution Manager
- data when replacing PC
- Monitor file transfer errors of subsystems
- Monitor startup of subsystems
- Move programs in the Startup group to the Software Distribution Client Startup folder
- multicast address
- client setup
- relay system setup
- server setup
- multicast distribution
- Multicast Distribution page
- client setup
- relay system setup
- server setup
- multicast group
- Multiple hosts
- multiple LAN connections
- Multiplex level for inventory acquisition
- (N)
- net service, creating (Asset Information Manager Subset database)
- network configuration information file
- Network Connection page
- network information
- node identification key, notes on changing
- Notes on using Asset Information Manager Subset on a 64-bit OS
- Notification dialog box page
- Number of clients that can be connected at one time
- Number of concurrent connections (Database Information)
- Number of concurrent user logins (Session Information)
- Number of connections for search (Database Information)
- Number of continuous transfer buffers
- relay system setup
- server setup
- Number of result lines to display (Basic information)
- Number of search results acquired for the operation log
- Number of search results displayed on a page
- Number of subsystems that can be connected at one time
- Number of times to retry transmission
- (O)
- offline folder
- offline installation
- offline machine
- offline machine information
- OpenView gateway server, setting up
- OpenView Linkage
- installing
- setting up
- OpenView Linkage page
- operation history
- Operation Log List window
- operation logs
- setting for summing by group
- operation monitoring history
- storing (using data partition)
- storing for large users
- Operation Monitoring page
- operation monitoring policy
- operations to or from external media
- OS, supported
- Output Deletion History to CSV File dialog box
- Output message to Event Viewer
- (P)
- package
- Package Setup Manager
- package type
- Packager
- packaging
- packet filtering method
- Packet size
- relay system setup
- server setup
- patch information file
- patch information, unapplied
- Perform new registration of unassigned assets
- periodic job
- policy
- applying, to all host groups
- creating from file
- creation, example of
- setting, for host group
- setting, for ID group
- Poll multiple higher systems
- Poll multiple higher systems
- polling
- frequency
- method
- method, specifying
- Port No.
- Port number
- client setup
- client setup
- server setup
- server setup
- Port Number page (OpenView Linkage setup)
- Port Number to Connect OpenView Gateway Server dialog box
- Port Number to Connect OpenView Linkage dialog box
- Processing message (client installation)
- Processing message page (client setup)
- Program to display the message
- Protocol used by higher system requesting client to start job
- proxy
- settings (HTTP Gateway)
- (R)
- RD area
- Record the results of each client executing all-lower-clients jobs
- Record the results of ID group jobs
- relay system setup
- server setup
- Record the results of jobs
- Record the system/software information answered from the lower clients
- recorder file
- references to other manuals conventions
- Register ID Group to Relay Managing ID dialog box
- registry
- settings (JP1/Software Distribution Client (client))
- settings (JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system))
- settings (JP1/Software Distribution Manager)
- relational database
- client of
- configuration limits when transferring data to
- creating new (Microsoft SQL Server)
- creating new (Oracle)
- notes on using
- programs required to use
- server
- setting access permissions in (Microsoft SQL Server)
- setting access permissions in (Oracle)
- setting up
- setting up environment of (Oracle)
- system configuration required to use
- transferring data to
- transferring data to
- updating in transaction log
- relay manager
- specifying basic settings for
- specifying detailed settings for
- relay manager/system
- relay managing the ID
- relay managing the ID
- handling when automatic notification is delayed
- relay system
- defined as relay managing ID, changing connection destination of
- defined as relay managing ID, deleting
- defined as relay managing ID, renaming
- Relay System Customization page
- Remote Collect Options page
- remote collection
- remote collection job
- remote control
- Remote Control Agent
- checking notes for (client installation)
- checking notes for (server installation)
- Remote Control Manager
- Remote Desktop
- remote installation
- remote installation facility, notes on using to distribute JP1/Software Distribution
- Remote Installation Manager
- installing
- installing
- Remote Installation Manager page
- Rename dialog box
- Report To Higher System page
- relay manager setup
- relay system setup
- Resend the remaining installation result files
- Response monitoring time
- Retry Communication page
- Retry interval
- Retry interval
- Retry interval
- rimfindn.log
- role service, installing
- Run the client with non-Administrator user permissions
- (S)
- search pattern
- Security page
- security PC
- security settings (HTTP Gateway)
- Select the node identification key
- relay system setup
- server setup
- Send the result file to server
- Server Customization page
- Server name
- server settings (HTTP Gateway)
- Server Setup dialog box
- server, setting up
- Service name (Database Information)
- services
- creating
- setting
- setting up
- setting up (HTTP Gateway)
- session information, setting (Asset Information Manager Subset server setup)
- Set Services dialog box
- Settings for a group that uses a group-specific IP group
- Settings for a location that uses a location-specific IP group
- Setup dialog box
- Setup Protection page
- Show number column
- site, adding
- for Microsoft Internet Information Services 6.0
- for Microsoft Internet Information Services 7.0
- Socket connection
- Software Distribution Client Startup
- creating folder
- folder
- Software Distribution Manager to be Connected dialog box
- software information
- software inventory dictionary
- software operation history storage directory, setting
- software search list
- Specify higher manager
- Specify multiple network adapters
- Specify password
- Specify the Server for ID group registration (relay manager setup)
- Specify when jobs will be deleted
- split distribution
- Split package distribution (client setup)
- Split size
- Startup page
- Startup protocol
- relay system setup
- server setup
- Status of machines deleted with JP1/SD
- Status to display in device search windows
- supported OS
- suppress history
- Suppress periodic jobs when the connection destination of the client is changed
- Suppress reports of the job status Waiting for installing/collecting to the higher system
- symbol conventions
- system configuration
- facility for automatically registering
- setting facility for automatically registering
- system configuration information
- automatic maintenance of
- automatic maintenance of, notes on
- backing up
- changing
- changing, notes on
- changing, under relay manager
- creating
- creating, automatically
- creating, from file
- creating, from file
- creating, in System Configuration window
- creating, notes on
- deleting destination that was added incorrectly in relay system
- editing, notes on
- getting, about hosts under relay managers
- host name duplication
- linking to ID group information
- linking to ID group information
- linking to ID group, notes on
- log file for automatic maintenance of
- maintaining manually
- maintaining manually
- managing deletion history of
- registering automatically
- registering automatically, notes on
- restoring
- saving, to file
- TCP/IP environment settings for automatic registration
- system configuration information file
- creating
- example of
- System Configuration page
- relay system setup
- server setup
- System for ID group registration (relay system setup)
- system information
- system monitoring
- System Monitoring icon
- System Monitoring page
- system, notes on building
- (T)
- Targets for inventory
- Task Scheduler, setting tasks that are registered in
- taskopt.ini
- tasks
- changing schedule of
- deleting
- enabling
- execution results of
- setup procedure for
- types of
- TB, meaning of
- terminal server
- limitations when using JP1/Software Distribution Client (client) on
- remotely installing software on
- The confirmation box stays for
- The confirmation box stays for
- Transfer interval
- relay system setup
- server setup
- Trash group ID for deletions (Basic information)
- Trash location ID for deletions (Basic information)
- Type of information to acquire (Inventory information)
- (U)
- unarchiver
- unicast distribution
- uninstalling
- Update the system configuration of OpenView
- Use Directory Server
- Use host IDs
- Use the Package Setup Manager or Execute Job Backlog command when a client is not resident
- User ID attribute name
- User information DN
- user inventory information
- using
- user inventory item
- user management, setting
- User name attribute name
- user permissions
- Users with access
- Using JP1/Software Distribution Client (Client) in a Windows XP Mode Environment
- Using JP1/Software Distribution Client (Client) on a Terminal Server
- (V)
- version changes
- version number conventions
- virtual directory, setting (Asset Information Manager Subset database)
- Visual Test
- (W)
- Wait for response
- Wake on LAN
- Warning about the operation log list search period
- Watch interval for update inventory
- When communication fails
- When resolution of IP address fails
- installation of relay system
- relay system setup
- server installation
- server setup
- Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Vista version of JP1/Software Distribution Client
- Windows XP Mode environment
- notes on installation and setup of JP1/Software Distribution Client (client) in
- notes on using JP1/Software Distribution Client (client) in
- when using JP1/Software Distribution Client (client) in
- work directory
- specifying
- specifying (client installation)
- working key
- asset information assignment method by
- WSUS Linkage
- installation procedure
- setting up
- WSUS Linkage page
All Rights Reserved. Copyright (C) 2009, 2013, Hitachi, Ltd.
Copyright, patent, trademark, and other intellectual property rights related to the "TMEng.dll" file are owned exclusively by Trend Micro Incorporated.