Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Setup Guide


2.4 Installing JP1/Software Distribution on a WSUS server

This section describes how to install WSUS Linkage on a WSUS server.

The figure below shows the procedure for installing WSUS Linkage from the JP1/Software Distribution installation medium. This figure assumes that only WSUS Linkage was selected in the Select Components dialog box.

Figure 2-37 WSUS Linkage installation procedure


For details about the settings for WSUS Linkage, see 2.1.21 Setting up WSUS Linkage.

WSUS Linkage is a component common to JP1/Software Distribution and JP1/Asset Information Manager. If JP1/Asset Information Manager's WSUS Linkage component has already been installed on the WSUS server, installation of JP1/Software Distribution's WSUS Linkage component is not necessary.