Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Setup Guide


1.2.2 Installing JP1/Software Distribution by overwriting

You can overwrite the existing JP1/Software Distribution program with the same or a newer version of the program. By installing the same version, you can change the installation settings or restore the original settings. To change or correct installation settings by overwriting the same version, use the maintenance wizard; for details, see 1.3 Changing installation settings.

The programs that can be overwritten depend on the installation target system. The following table shows the programs that can be overwritten by target system:

Table 1-5 Programs that can be overwritten depending on the target system

Program to be installed Installation target system
Central manager Relay manager Relay system Client
JP1/Software Distribution Manager Central manager Y N N Y#
Relay manager Y Y N N
JP1/Software Distribution Client Relay system N N Y Y
Client Y# N N Y

Legend: Y: Can be installed; N: Cannot be installed.

The program is not overwritten. Two programs are installed separately.

The notes below apply to overwrite installation. For notes about upgrading, see A.1 Upgrading JP1/Software Distribution.