Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Setup Guide


1.2.1 Procedure for a new installation of JP1/Software Distribution

For a new installation, you install higher system programs first in the sequence indicated below.

To install a new JP1/Software Distribution:

  1. Install JP1/Software Distribution Manager
    Install JP1/Software Distribution Manager in the managing server PC.
  2. Create a relational database.
    You must create it using Database Manager. For details about how to create a relational database, see 7. Setting Up a Relational Database.
  3. Install JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system).
    Install JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system) in any relay system PCs.
  4. Install JP1/Software Distribution Client (client).
    Install JP1/Software Distribution Client (client) in the client PCs.
    Although installation can be performed from a medium, using an installation set created by JP1/Software Distribution Administrator Kit is more convenient when there are many client computers. For details about how to use an installation set to install JP1/Software Distribution Client (client), see 1.2.4 Using an installation set to install JP1/Software Distribution Client (client).

Notes on installation