Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Setup Guide


1.2 Installing JP1/Software Distribution

This section describes the JP1/Software Distribution installation procedures for a new installation. It also describes installation by overwriting.

In addition, the section describes how to use the pre-installation facility to install JP1/Software Distribution Client (client) and provides notes on using the remote installation facility of JP1/Software Distribution to upgrade JP1/Software Distribution Client.

For details about how to upgrade JP1/Software Distribution, see A. How to Upgrade and Migrate JP1/Software Distribution.

Organization of this section
1.2.1 Procedure for a new installation of JP1/Software Distribution
1.2.2 Installing JP1/Software Distribution by overwriting
1.2.3 Using the pre-installation facility to install JP1/Software Distribution Client (client)
1.2.4 Using an installation set to install JP1/Software Distribution Client (client)
1.2.5 Notes on using the remote installation facility to distribute JP1/Software Distribution