Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Setup Guide


6.2.12 Remote Collect Options page

Specify whether or not you wish to limit the remote collection jobs that are executed at the client.

Figure 6-13 Remote Collect Options page


This limitation applies to the following remote collection jobs:

Select Execute all jobs, Only execute jobs from specified servers, or Do not execute. The default is Execute all jobs.

Execute all jobs
Specify this option to execute all remote collection jobs from higher systems.

Only execute jobs from specified servers
Specify this option to execute only remote collection jobs from specified higher systems. You can either specify higher systems directly or only the higher connection destination.
Execute jobs from permitted servers
You can specify a maximum of eight higher systems from the Servers permitted to execute remote collection jobs list. Choose Add to display the Servers Permitted to Collect Files dialog box. Specify either the host name or IP address of a higher system, as 1-64 bytes.
To delete a higher system from the Servers permitted to execute remote collection jobs list, select the higher system and then choose Delete.
Execute jobs from the connection destination
Specify this option to execute only remote collection jobs from the higher connection destination or the higher systems specified on the Connection Destination page. Jobs from systems not specified on the Connection Destination page will not be executed.

Do not execute
Specify this option to stop execution of all remote collection jobs from higher systems.

Note that if the connection destination is changed by the Automatically specify the higher system that requested a job execution as the connection destination option on the Connection Destination page and the new connection destination is not specified under Higher systems in the Specify Higher Systems dialog box, the new connection destination is not automatically added to the list.