Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Setup Guide


10.3 Setting up the Asset Information Manager Subset database

To create and maintain a database that is used with Asset Information Manager Subset, use Asset Information Manager Subset's Database Manager.

To start Asset Information Manager Subset's Database Manager:

  1. From the Start menu, choose Software Distribution Manager, Asset Information Manager, and then Setup.
    The Setup dialog box for Asset Information Manager Subset is displayed.
  2. Choose Database Manager.
    The Database Manager dialog box appears.

    Figure 10-5 Database Manager dialog box


If the type of database is Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle, the items Back up Embedded RDB, Restore Embedded RDB, and Reorganize Embedded RDB are not displayed.

Select the operation to be executed by Database Manager of Asset Information Manager Subset.

Create the database
Creates a new Asset Information Manager Subset database.

Upgrade the database
Upgrades the Asset Information Manager Subset database. Choose this item when you have upgraded the managing server.
The database upgrade processing is executed on a database that has already been created.

Back up the database to CSV files
Backs up the database by outputting information about the Asset Information Manager Subset database to a CSV file.
Choose this item when you perform a periodic database backup.

Restore the database from CSV files
Restores the Asset Information Manager Subset database from its CSV-format backup files.
Choose this item to restore the backup acquired by Back up the database to CSV files.

Back up Embedded RDB
Executes a backup of Asset Information Manager Subset database in an Embedded RDB environment.
Choose this item when you perform a periodic database backup.
This item is displayed when the database type is Embedded RDB.

Restore Embedded RDB
Restores the Asset Information Manager Subset database from the backup files acquired by Back up Embedded RDB.
This item is displayed when the database type is Embedded RDB.

Reorganize Embedded RDB
Reorganizes the Asset Information Manager Subset database in an Embedded RDB environment.
This item is displayed when the database type is Embedded RDB.

Note that the Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle databases created by Database Manager of Asset Information Manager Subset are not deleted when Asset Information Manager Subset is uninstalled. To delete the databases, use the RDBMS tools.

The following subsections describe each operation.

Organization of this section
10.3.1 Creating a new database
10.3.2 Upgrading the database
10.3.3 Backing up the database as CSV files
10.3.4 Restoring the CSV database files
10.3.5 Backing up the database in an Embedded RDB environment
10.3.6 Restoring the database in an Embedded RDB environment
10.3.7 Reorganizing the database in an Embedded RDB environment
10.3.8 Creating a data source or a net service