Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Setup Guide


8.1 Creating system configuration information

Before you can start using JP1/Software Distribution, you must create system configuration information, which is the information needed in order to manage the configuration of the relay managers/systems and clients. System configuration information defines the system configuration and the addresses of the hosts. You set the address of each host on the basis of the address selected using the node identification key (host name or IP address).

This section describes the procedures for creating system configuration information and how to assign host names, as well as how to create and change system configuration information.

Organization of this section
8.1.1 Different methods for creating system configuration information
8.1.2 Assigning host names in a JP1/Software Distribution system
8.1.3 Creating the system configuration information automatically
8.1.4 Creating the system configuration information from a file
8.1.5 Creating system configuration information in the System Configuration window
8.1.6 Getting system configuration information about hosts under relay managers
8.1.7 Changing system configuration information
8.1.8 Notes on creating system configuration information