Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Setup Guide


9.5.1 How to input and output an automatic maintenance policy file

To input and output an automatic maintenance policy file, use the Add from File and Output File buttons in the Policy Setup dialog box.

Figure 9-37 Policy Setup dialog box


Add from File button
Clicking the Add from File button displays the Add Automatic Maintenance Policy dialog box. Specifying the automatic maintenance policy file to be input and then clicking the Open button adds the policy with the information specified in the file.
When you input an automatic maintenance policy file, note the following:
  • A comment entered by the user in the automatic maintenance policy file is erased when the file is input. Therefore, no comment is included when the file is output.
  • There is a limit to the number of policies that can be set depending on the policy type. If you use the Add button in the Policy Setup dialog box to create policies and the maximum number of policies is reached for that policy type, policy creation is automatically restricted. If the number of policies created in the automatic maintenance policy file exceeds the maximum value, an error message is displayed when the file is input, in which case policies in the automatic maintenance policy file are not applied. The following table shows the policy types and the permitted numbers of policies.

    Table 9-1 Policy types and maximum numbers

    Automatic maintenance type Policy type Maximum number
    Host group New host 1
    User inventory item 16
    ID group New host 1

Output File button
Clicking the Output File button displays the Output Automatic Maintenance Policy dialog box. To output a file, specify the storage directory and then click the Save button.