Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Setup Guide


Appendix C.1 Notes on installation and setup of JP1/Software Distribution Client (client) in a Windows XP Mode environment

Organization of this subsection
(1) Notes on installation
(2) Notes on client setup

(1) Notes on installation

Installation procedure

JP1/Software Distribution Client (client) is installed in a Windows XP Mode environment following the same procedure as for a normal installation. For details about the JP1/Software Distribution Client (client) installation procedure, see 3. Installing JP1/Software Distribution Client.

Components that can be used

There are limitations on the JP1/Software Distribution Client (client) components that can be used in a Windows XP Mode environment. Therefore, when the Select Components dialog box is displayed during the installation, only select components that can be used in a Windows XP Mode environment. Other components can be selected, but they may not operate correctly, so it is not safe to select them.

JP1/Software Distribution Client (client) components that can be used in a Windows XP Mode environment are listed in Tables C-1 to C-3.

Table C-1 Components that can be used in a Windows XP Mode environment (JP1/Software Distribution Client)

Component Usable?
Client Client Y
Additional facilities Y
Package Setup Manager Y
Distribution facility using Visual Test 6.0 Y
AMT Linkage N
Relay System N
Package Y
Remote Control Agent# Remote control agent N
Chart N
Automatic Installation Tool Y
Startup Kit Support Tool N
Online Help Y

Y: Usable
N: Not usable
--: Not Applicable

To perform remote operations in a Windows XP Mode environment, install a remote control agent in the host OS (Windows 7), and then perform operations through the host OS (Windows 7).

(2) Notes on client setup

The Client resident/polling page

When using virtual applications, startup requests may not be accepted and polling may not always be performed even if the Client resident check box and Polling check box have been selected.

The reason for this is that when the virtual application terminates, Windows XP Mode goes into sleep status and the JP1/Software Distribution Client (client) running in Windows XP Mode environment stops. If instructions requesting execution arrive from a managing server when Windows XP Mode is asleep, they will be executed when the virtual application starts. Therefore, the execution interval and execution date/time you set for the job are ignored.

The Dial-up page

JP1/Software Distribution Client (client) running in the Windows XP Mode environment does not support dialup connections. Do not select the Dial-up connection check box.