Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Setup Guide


7.5 How to use Database Manager (for Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle)

To create or maintain a relational database to be used by Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle, use Database Manager, one of the components of JP1/Software Distribution. To start Database Manager, from the menu, choose Software Distribution Manager, and then Database Manager.

You should note the following items about using Database Manager:

The Welcome dialog box appears.

When Database Manager starts, the Welcome dialog box is displayed, enabling you to select a Database Manager operation.

Figure 7-26 Welcome dialog box


If you are using Embedded RDB, different items are displayed in the Welcome dialog box. For details about how to use Database Manager when Embedded RDB is used, see 7.4 How to use Database Manager (for Embedded RDB).

Select the operation you want to perform with Database Manager.

Create new database
Creates a new database. After installing JP1/Software Distribution Manager, you must select this item to create a new database.

Transfer administration file from the file system
Migrates the basic database of JP1/Software Distribution JP1 Version 7i or earlier to a relational database. To select this option, a relational database must have been created previously.

Transfer resource from database to file system
Transfers the package data storage destination from the relational database to the file system. This option is disabled if Oracle was selected during server installation.

Upgrade database
Upgrades the database.

Recover database
Recovers a relational database from error. Note that this item is disabled if you select Oracle during server installation.

Delete unnecessary inventory information from the database
Deletes unneeded inventory from the database in order to increase available database space.

The following subsections describe each operation.

Organization of this section
7.5.1 Creating a new database
7.5.2 Transferring administration file from the file system
7.5.3 Transferring resources from the database to the file system (Microsoft SQL Server)
7.5.4 Upgrading the database
7.5.5 Recovering the database (Microsoft SQL Server)
7.5.6 Deleting unneeded inventory information from the database