Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Setup Guide


6.2.2 Processing message page

Specify whether or not you wish to display a message dialog box that shows processing progress (processing message) when JP1/Software Distribution Client (client) executes processing automatically on the basis of an instruction from the managing server. You must also specify the format of the dialog box to be displayed.

Figure 6-2 Processing Message page


To display a processing message while the client is executing an operation, such as downloading or installation, select the Display processing message check box. The default is that this check box is selected. However, during setup of client facilities for JP1/Software Distribution Manager or JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system), this option is not selected as the default.

If you select the Display processing message check box, also select the message types for which a processing message is to be displayed. Also select either Standard or Program to display the message as the format of the dialog box to be displayed for each message type. If you select Standard, the standard dialog box provided by JP1/Software Distribution is used to display the processing message. If you select Program to display the message, a user-created dialog box display program is started.

The default is that the standard processing message is displayed during downloading and installation.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Message type
(2) Program to display the message

(1) Message type

If a distributed package contains the processing message setting, Display message during download and Display message during installation are forcibly displayed or hidden as specified in the package settings. In such a case, the Display processing message setting at the client setup is ignored.

(2) Program to display the message

If you selected Program to display the message as the message display method, specify the name of the program to be used to display a dialog box. Specify a user-created dialog box display program (an .exe program file), including the path name. Note that the window for displaying the message need not be a dialog box as long as the conditions described below, such as parameters and titles, are met.

If messages are not displayed correctly due to an error in the specified user-created program, such as a setup error, processing continues regardless of the action of the user-created program.

Shown below is the syntax of the arguments (character strings ending with NULL) that are passed to the dialog box display program when each dialog box is displayed. Refer to this syntax when you create a user program.

Top window display option (1 byte):
1: Do not display the dialog box as the top window.
2: Display the dialog box as the top window.
Processing message type (1 byte):
1: Dialog box displayed during package downloading
2: Dialog box displayed during package installation
3: Dialog box displayed during software search processing
5: Dialog box displayed during connection to higher system
parameter-3 and parameter-4
The contents of parameter-3 and parameter-4 depend on the specification of parameter-2, as shown below:
parameter-2 parameter-3 parameter-4
1 package-identification-ID (1 to 44 bytes) package-name (1 to 50 bytes)
2 package-identification-ID (1 to 44 bytes) package-name (1 to 50 bytes)
3 host-name or IP-address (1 to 256 bytes) (null)
5 (null) (null)

Note: (null) is a character string (6 characters) that indicates no value.

The following shows examples of the coding to display each type of dialog box:
  • Display message during download
    1 1 package-identification-ID package-name
  • Display message during installation
    When not displaying the dialog box as the top window:
    1 2 package-identification-ID package-name
    When displaying the dialog box as the top window:
    2 2 package-identification-ID package-name
  • Display message while searching for software
    1 3 host-name (null)
  • Display message during connection
    1 5 (null) (null)

When you create the user program, specify the window names of the dialog boxes to be displayed, as shown below; if any other window names are used, the dialog boxes will not close:

To close the dialog box display, issue the PostMessage function (specifying WN_CLOSE) from JP1/Software Distribution to the user-created program. For Windows, issue the PostMessage function, and then issue the TerminateProcess function to stop the user-created program process.