Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Setup Guide


9.7.8 Creating a network configuration information file

Instead of executing a host search, you can read a CSV file (network configuration information file) the contains network configuration information, such as the MAC addresses and IP addresses of the hosts in the network, to detect hosts on which JP1/Software Distribution is not installed.

There are two ways to create a network configuration information file:

This subsection describes the format of the network configuration information file and the information specified in the file.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Format of network configuration information file
(2) Items in the network configuration information file

(1) Format of network configuration information file

A network configuration information file is specified in CSV format. Line 1 is a title line, and each subsequent line specifies information about a host.

The following figure shows a specification example of a network configuration information file.

Figure 9-46 Specification example of a network configuration information file


The title line defines the order of the items specified as the host information. The title line may contain the items in any order, but the order of specification of the host information items must match the order of the items in the title line.

The following rules apply to specifying a network configuration information file:

(2) Items in the network configuration information file

This subsection describes the items that can be specified in the title line of the network configuration information file and the items to be specified as host information.

(a) Items specified in the title line

The following describes the items to be specified in the title line and the format of each item.

Do not specify the same item more than once. You can omit all items except MAC address and IP address.

In the title line, an invalid item or an item in an invalid format is ignored. The corresponding host information item is also ignored. For example, if the third item in the title line is Device information, it is invalid; therefore, it will be ignored along with the corresponding host information item, which will be the third item in the network configuration information file.

(b) Items specified as host information

Specify the following items in such a manner that they correspond to the items in the title line in the correct order:

(c) Notes on creation of a network configuration information file